
How is everyone making out with their escape

I haven’t posted in awhile. So I figured I would se how everyone is making out with their escapes. I haven’t had a chance to shoot at all. I am looking into getting a Scba tank soon as I have a friend that is the chief at a local VFD. He said he will fill the tank anytime I need it. Has anyone made any upgrades lately. Pics would be great. I am looking to also purchase a bipod. Any input on that would be great. Also am not thinking about other stock options. What have you done and how do you like it.

Escape/ Escape SS/ Escape UL

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I have only had mine for about 3 months but I am very pleased. Except for the fact that sometimes I just want to plink and filling with a hand pump is not for plinking. I do get about 20 useable shots from a fill with about 75 pumps to get her back to 3000psi. The accuracy is very good in my opinion. I am about a half inch at 50 yards. the gun performs flawlessly for hunting. I just have to remember to hold over/under with shots that are not on my zero.


I have 2 escapes in .25 cal. Turned up hot for hunting. First shot out at 1018 FPS 5th shot at about 960 depends on temp, falls fast after that, with crosman or beeman domes. Still really good groups of less then 5/8 at 50 yards but will knock a coon or porky smack out of a tree. Took 3 fox out of the barn after chicks , one shot each went in behind shoulder and out other side on 2 and under hide on one , none of them went more then 30 ft after hit. I like the weight most of all . Wish they made it in 30 cal. My only wish is a longer bottle same dia. to take up the space to butt stock.

Love mine, bone stock, hits like a hammer. Added a R&L shroud and a bipod. A little long but very comfortable and equally accurate. I’m hitting corks at 50 yards. The shot count is not an issue for me as I’m using a pump. Wonderful piece of equipment.

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