
How do you clean your guns?

What do you guys use to clean the exterior of your condors / talons?
ibe only used a clean piece of cotton shirt with a little water, but it gets white spots after a few hours. (It doesnt look nice and clean)
Is there some product you guys use? like oil, soap or something?

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To coin Richard Pryer “I never touch it”

Thanks guys 🙂

quote Benzin:

quote Yellow Ninja:

The Condor frame is aluminum it doesnt need cleaning unless its dirty.

And when it does get dirty, how do you clean it? just a moist peace of cloth?

Damp cloth should do it.

quote Benzin:

What do you guys use to clean the exterior of your condors / talons?
ibe only used a clean piece of cotton shirt with a little water, but it gets white spots after a few hours. (It doesnt look nice and clean)
Is there some product you guys use? like oil, soap or something?

PoorboysDeluxe Mega Towel microfiber carcare cloth is the only thing outthere worth of my Talon 😛
After a bad day maybe a spray or two of ‘Spray & Gloss’ 😆

quote Yellow Ninja:

The Condor frame is aluminum it doesnt need cleaning unless its dirty.

And when it does get dirty, how do you clean it? just a moist peace of cloth?

My CFX does get a light coat of silicone grease every now and then, and works like a charm, but the condor only gets it on the exposed part of the barrel.
But how bout cleaning the frame when its dirty?
I ask because, i dunno if theres too much dust & moisture here or what, but even if i dont touch my condor, it gets some sort of white film on it after a few days.

The Condor frame is aluminum it doesnt need cleaning unless its dirty.

Most other guns are blued so they need oiling so that they dont rust and I oil mine after every use. Normally use beeman metaphilic oil or silicone soaked rag.

I did wipe down the exposed part of the Condor barrel every now and then as thats… well they say its blued but mine didnt look it.

I have NEVER ONCE wiped my Condors down in any way shape or form. EVER. I clean the barrel(s) on rare occasion with that Beeman Meta Philioc oil or what ever it is That I bought to clean my Patriots.

However…. I gave my Webley Patriots the Treatment after each and every use as though I was POSSESSED by the Lord of good Airgun maintainance.

Condors are like Rugby Players though……. Ya can’t kill them unless you……. shoot them with a…….Condor 8) 😆

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