How Did You Find This Forum….?
I am curious.
Trying to get us on the majority of major search engines and wondering if it is working.
Everyone, please chime in.
How did you get here?
You guys are the best.
All Replies
I was informed by some riff raff called JJSTEALTH 😆 😆 😆
Must admit it was a bit of a shock to find the TOG gone 😯
Tony, I was given the info from a fella I recently bought a condor from in Maine. I learn more about it and the Talon each time I come here. I am new to the Air force world. I own a rapid and love it. 🙂 I now own a condor and love it too. 😀 I enjoy the site. It provides a great benefit to all. Thanks Tony 8)
Joined a site called the T…o…….hmmm, for info about airguns before it turned into a site about praising the dictators who owned it (and his few friends) or you were scum 😯 . So i cleansed myself and joined the TAG , a FORUM where views can freely expressed , as long as there not to radical LOL . Thought thats what FORUMS are about 😀 or there just die ………..i sometimes wonder what happened to that old site !……..hmmm
Oh ya then a bunch of guys showed up and the next thing I knew I felt all warm inside 😆
You said it, WOK.
I still have a Denskin PM saved on my desktop, here is the condensed version. “I don’t care what your opinion is on how the forum is run. If you don’t like it you can go to the other forum with the rest of the idiots and………………… Me and Don have discussed it and things will stay the way they are. HHHMMMMMMM, yup. 😉
I have no idea how I got here, I think a had a few too many beers….. my head hurts :x….. who are you people?….WHERE ARE MY PANTS????????
nah, old TOG => Dons TOG, stopped caring for a while, then noticed the big revolution => Talon forum thingie on the yellow => TAF/TAG
Adam said there would be free beer and loose women here if i came over….I think he tricked me though.
was on tog, then it died and now I’m here 😀
I found it on the Yellow.
I don’t remember exactly might have been from your site or maybe CygnusX told me when I called him after trying to log into the TOG was was rejected and VERY confused…
I’m all hapopy now though 😀
Thanks Anthony and all your minions who keep this site going!!!!
Love it, Jim.
Held on to the TOG long as I could, before coming here exclusively.
I found though google and would stop by and drool every once and a wile, saw a link one day and clicked 😛
master Yoda told me to use the force!
than i started to look for a condor…
than i went to TOG, and now im here
The voices in my head told me where to go. 😯
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Must admit it was a bit of a shock to find the TOG gone 😯
Welcome aboard Kid………The TOG site is gone but the the boys are all here. So no worries 😀