
HELP – Idiot here – barrel changing question (Video Answer)

I have two new barrels for my talon SS and Condor. I need to know how to change the dang barrel.

No I don’t have the dvd. Both bought used.

I know it has something to do with the locking hex screws, but that is as far as I know.

Thanks for your help.

Paul G.

Edit- Hellratter was kind enough to provide video- Adam

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quote HellRatter:

No vid?
P1 Click here to watch Rifle-basics-Airforce-vid
P2 Click here to watch Filing-Airforce-rifles
P3 Click here to watch FiringScoping-Airforce-rifle-vid
P4 Click here to watch SightingBarrel-change-vid

P4 is the link you want…Plus it’s for the older Airforce line so the two set screws on the side holding the barrel aren’t covered.

THANKS for the links. That helped me out alot. 😀

No vid?
P1 Click here to watch Rifle-basics-Airforce-vid
P2 Click here to watch Filing-Airforce-rifles
P3 Click here to watch FiringScoping-Airforce-rifle-vid
P4 Click here to watch SightingBarrel-change-vid

P4 is the link you want…Plus it’s for the older Airforce line so the two set screws on the side holding the barrel aren’t covered.

.22 is more efficent…. it is usually slower, but the heavier weight of the pellets will give you more foot lbs (FPE) of energy per shot.

In faster guns its not a problem but .177 and .22 are going to be pretty slow so I’d probabl go with .177 to get the faster shot even tho it has slightly less energy than a .22 out of the same setup.

I did not realize there were set screws on the under side of the barrel.

Tonite has been stressful enough with the wife and kids. So I think I will just chill and change out the barrel tomorrow.

Thanks for the tips.

Paul G.

P.S. With CO-2 is .22 or .177 more efficient in a 12 inch barrel? Or does it really matter. I am just plinking cans, bugs and flys.


First of all set your powerwheel to the lowest level, that way theres not as much force on the barrel when you undoing the last set screw so it wont fly out and will unscrew easily.

.Unscrew the little allen screw that tells you what powerwheel setting your on, if you dont then when you remove the barrel the entire force of the hammer spring will press on that screw and probably break it or the threads.

Then, underneath the front of the frame in that little channel within the dovetail there should be 3 set screws, one at the front holding the end cap on, then another two a bit further back (one is hiding behind the for grip so remove that too) which go into the barrel bushings. Unscrew all three of those. Then look on the side of the gun directly above the two set screws you just undid, if there isnt anything there thats fine, but if there is, remove them too.

Remove the end cap and then just pull out the barrel if it extends past the frame, if you have an SS and the barrel doesnt just drop out then cock the gun and that should give it a push.


Here is the deal. Take off the end cap. Take off the fore grip. Undo the powerwheel set screw, be careful with that one. Under the foregrip you will find 2 set screws….undo them. On the power wheel side of he gun you will find another 2 set screws…undo them. Now push the barrel out the front of the gun…Viola!

Insert new barrel and put in set screws. Install endcap and foregrip…TaaDa!

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