
Got my 9mm kit yesterday! Pics sunday hopefully.

Got my 9mm kit yesterday. I’m extremely busy with stuff right now, so no pics yet. I’ll try to get it installed on Sunday, and give it a review. Thanks blodnob.

Talon/Talon SS

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Blod, what is steel blasting?

Hey DNC,

Do you know the exact diameter of your bore?

I HIGHLY recommend you give these slugs a try; you would be hard pressed to find slugs in the softest lead anywhere near this price.

Unlike many other casters that SAY that their lead is soft, these are truely SOFT. $27 for 250 slugs in .358!

A lot of guys think BHN9 is soft, and it is for firearms, but that is %90 harder than these (more like BHN 5 or 6).

If you need a slightly different diameter he may be able to size them to your requirements as well.

This is the guy CygnusX and myself got slugs from.

The “Snakebites” should wreck a coyote quite nicely! He will have the .38Slim available soon as well.

I got this guy to cater to airgunners several months ago. Be sure to read the bottom paragraph.


A few pics of the two i did recently.
Brass hex

Steel, blasted, but not blued.

Cyg’ will the valve still open ok if thers an o ring sealing the tophat ?
The pressure will try n shut the valve at that point i think.
Does it need a seal on the hollow part of the stem.
The stem ID is 7.5mm ond the OD is 9.5mm and the seat area is 7.5mm.Same as i do on the .22
Hammer is 120g n the spring is a thumb snapper. Maybee have to tone that down a bit .

That looks exactly like the new valve he is sending me! Its going to be awesome. Cygnus, if you can make use of this valve, you are welcome to it.

Oh, marc. Those are his pics as he sent it. Not mine. So, I don’t think that the tophat was stripped.

Nice Cyg.

Marc, I think its a one piece tophat with no threads.

May be difficult to see for me but did you strip the threads holding the tophat? Awesome looking shroud btw!



think i got the same size from blodnop as well…..

i had to use an insanely strong valvespring….combined with a shoter breech(shorter breech alowns longer hammer travel so it gains extra momentum and power) i did get it to work …about 412 fpe at max…roundballs around 200 fpe and pretty conservative with the air for a bigbore

but the spring i use is so freaking hard that it puts a toll on the trigger components that more than likely needs to be tweaked to hold it back in cocked posistion reliably

theres another way to do a powerfull valve with massive flow…but is actually easier to knock open….

this puppy will do 600+ fpe in .457…it should do really well in 9 mm too

quote WalkonKing:

quote Cygnus X:

.5mm would be 0.1968″

Inche to millmeter conversion chart

I LOVE this little application for ANY type of conversions. Best part is that it’s available as a stand-alone app. No installation. Also, free!

Convert –

She looks LETHAL……. Have fun with her. 🙂

I think it was 8mm? So about the same as yours? It wouldn’t open above 1300psi or something like that. I’ll pump it back up tomorrow. I tried for several days, but could never get it working.

quote dnc:

Ok, well as you’ve noticed, there has been a slight delay. The valve he sent me was more or less experimental. As it turned out, not even a 120 grain hammer and a ridiculously strong spring could open it. So, he is making me another one. From the pictures he sent me, it looks amazing. Hopefully, I’ll get it here in the next few weeks.

What was the seat diameter of that valve that would not open?
Curious as to why a very heavy hammer and spring could not do the deed.
I use a 95 gram hammer and a 25# spring and make 200fpe with it. opening a valve of 0.312″ seat diameter.
Pics of the valve would be good.

Ok, well as you’ve noticed, there has been a slight delay. The valve he sent me was more or less experimental. As it turned out, not even a 120 grain hammer and a ridiculously strong spring could open it. So, he is making me another one. From the pictures he sent me, it looks amazing. Hopefully, I’ll get it here in the next few weeks.

Can’t wait for the shooting report…you need some pellets/bullets too! box of 77 grain EJ’s and some pure lead from http://www.Customcastbullets.com maybe?

That is one hell of a shroud 😯 the DNC is a nice touch!


Didn’t get a chance to shoot it today, but everything is put together and ready to go. I’m going to gander mountain tomorrow to buy some 000 buckshot.

quote Cygnus X:

if the trigger becomes unreliable….

then file the groove on the middle sear (the one between the trigger, and hammer sear)

i removed about .3-0.5mm with a tiny file….and that makes it reliable again

for the US non metric dude’s i removed 1.5/64ths lol im kidding i have no clue what it would be in imperial

remember to let the top corker remain sharp….thats where the hammer sear engages…..the oval hole in the hammer sear will take up any slack(and i figure thats why its there)

.5mm would be 0.1968″

Inche to millmeter conversion chart

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