Getting rid of cats
Our neighbors behind us have a male cat that keeps coming over meowing, spraying our bushes, chasing squirrels away, etc. and it is driving me crazy. I would like to do something to this cat to keep it from coming back in our yard, but don’t know what I should do to keep him away. Any suggestions on a way I could humanely keep this cat away?
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Sad to see a group of grown Men flaming each other over a situation/s in which you’d have to be there to know all the facts.
For the record the guys over at Airgun advice are pretty cool in my personal experience. Its to bad that someone gets banned for a misunderstanding. But to flame a whole group over such is sader still. I lost the point of the thread in the last few entrys 🙄 . Throwing stones online is like prank calling someone, no point and cowerdly.
Good words Bod I tried to say the samething, I can never understand how people can take a subject about apples and end up on six speed transmissions.
Good to see you back Bod.

Sad to see a group of grown Men flaming each other over a situation/s in which you’d have to be there to know all the facts.
For the record the guys over at Airgun advice are pretty cool in my personal experience. Its to bad that someone gets banned for a misunderstanding. But to flame a whole group over such is sader still. I lost the point of the thread in the last few entrys 🙄 . Throwing stones online is like prank calling someone, no point and cowerdly.
Good words Bod I tried to say the samething, I can never understand how people can take a subject about apples and end up on six speed transmissions.
Good to see you back Bod.
I am still wondering how this thread went from keeping cats off my property to pitbulls to people arguing about shooting a pitbull.
“The gun was 3 feet away and the window was open.”
I don’t see anything that is not credible in CW’s story. He never appeared to be changing the facts IMO.
I will probably try to trap this cat and see if that works. However, we have a cat of our own, and I might catch it instead.
I apologize for all that. I just get tired of these guys
from airgun advise following me around to the different
forums that I visit, picking apart what I say.
From now on I will not let the dirtbags get to me.

If only people could discuss things in a less then biased manner. Leave emotions at the door, so to speak. You’d think grown men could do this, guess its easier to flame one another then be objective 😕 , sad.
Guys get to caught up in there opinions of what is right and wrong. Given circumstances differ from experience to experience and person to person, people come out with their own perspective and take it for absolute truth. Never thinking that it is objective and biased due to their circumstances. To many variables involved from situation to situation to come out with a absolute answer. I think it comes down to each person has to decide for themselves what is correct given the circumstances and situation at hand. The measure of a man comes down to weather or not he took pleasure in the act or not. If i have to put that cat down, there will be no sport, no pleasure, no satisfaction. Just doing what had to be done. If its a wild/feral animal its OK? If its domesticated/so called family pet its not? Think about that the next time you grill up that T-Bone or Pork Loin 😕
Sad to see a group of grown Men flaming each other over a situation/s in which you’d have to be there to know all the facts.
For the record the guys over at Airgun advice are pretty cool in my personal experience. Its to bad that someone gets banned for a misunderstanding. But to flame a whole group over such is sader still. I lost the point of the thread in the last few entrys 🙄 . Throwing stones online is like prank calling someone, no point and cowerdly.


If I had land and a pit bull wandered (or any animal) onto it I would:
A. See if it had a collar.
B. See if it is aggressive.
C. Watch it to see if it is acting strangely (rabies).
If 2/3 of those conditions aren’t met, I’d probably kill it (humanely).
If it was aggressive, I’d kill it even if it had a collar on. I’ve had too many bad experiences with roaming dogs to cut them or their owners any slack.
If you hippie fags want to be mad at someone for killing “somebody’s pet” then why don’t you go yell at our government. They kill more pets than anyone on this forum.
Right now, the Chinese government is randomly trapping and killing thousands of cats in the streets of Beijing to clean up the city before the olympics. Yell at them.

You must have some real funny looking deer up there in Washington LOL! Along with not being able to keep your stories straight, you can’t see straight, either!
The A/A guys are an intelligent group; pretty easy to see how you would be rejected.
A classic example of a battle of wits with an un-armed opponent. And I wasn’t even tryin’. I’m done with ya’.

I think we are getting way off subject this post was just for advice about a simple but pain in the ass problem, it doesn’t help anyone to tear at each other. since i have been a member here I have noticed the strong brotherhood between the members we should always try to keep that as our main stay.
txwatcher91 I think the live trap is the best idea its the most responceble way. 🙂
Hey bucher, how much did you have to pay that guy
to let you pose with his gun and that deer he shot?
It was $10 as I remember. I bet that you didn’t want
these guys to know about that. Did you? You should go out and
try killing your own animal instead of jacking someone else’s
kill and pretending that you actually shot it. You are not being
very honest with us.
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Those felt cleaning pellets work well. If you have an old screwed up .177 cal. breakbarrel you can shoot kitchen matches at a nearby hard surface, they go bang, or check out the guys who have been gluing rifle primers to pellets over in the airgun section of Accurate There is some cool video. Sorry I’m not savy enough to make a link.