
Get a Sneek Peek at our new INTRODUCTION VIDEO

Thanks to Hellratter for putting this together. Also we have a contest in the works and all airgunner will be invited to participate. Details will be released later and there will be prizes.

Kind of an Open House for people to check us out. We have such a great membership. In the future we also will be holding contest with prizes for members only! 😀

Enjoy the video….and thanks again hellratter


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Your alive!

Something short and to the point would be great. Do what you can. Anything will be cool I am sure.

Dude’s I’ve been away for a while, just dropping in to say hello and give an update on this vid. Well it was finished early December, with sound which I had been waiting for from a friend. (He made a nice little intro beat that fit with the vid)..So when it was finally done and I had the time I was going to output that SOB, but didnt get around to it…Then my computer crashed. I didnt back up anything on my computer so I lost all of my stuff including the made from scratch vid( which was composed of about 5 pictures and edited together, lost those to) So now I sit here thinking I want to make an intro, but since I sprang it upon the forum mods/owners by surprise before NOW the forum can decide if they want one and what it should be like ETC…. ❓

quote Nuglor:

Sweet video… Now all it needs is sound.

The other day I heard that song by prodigy called ” Smack my bitch up” and my mind went immediately to this vid. I think it fits perfectly with the pellet flying through the air, If some one has this song, perhaps they could check the bpm’s and see if it would work.

Hellratter; Very nice to say the least. I’m jealous of your talents! AKULA

Nice video Hellratter!!!! 😀

HELLY, that was a cool ass video. NICE.

EXCELLENT! Some of you guy are so talented. I’m impressed. Thank you, Hellratter.

very cool vid HellRatter.

Nice work Hell….

I also like job you did on your halo suit for the geek convention

Toook me 2 days 😯 Damn kids and their quick reflexes 😆

quote HellRatter:

Sound is in the works…I swear, as soon as I can put down my 360 controller because of Halo 3.. 😯 😆 😆

Seriously, anything I can do to help this site flourish is always going to be something I’m interested in. I love this place, and the people that make it what it is. 8)

HR, my son just beat H3 on legendary…took him all night!

Hellratter AKA “Hollywood”! damn holmes that was frigging cool! I’m not on a real fast connection so it kept buffering on me but that looks frigging sweet. Not sure about the sound but…Going to need more Cow Bell, there’s not enough Cow Bell in there 😆

Can’t wait to see the finished product…

Tony, events and stuff would be awsome! even of they are like the online or mail in kind…I know we have talked about them a lot in the past and some of the guys local to each other were able to hook up it would be way cool for the TAG to come up with something!

This forum is awsome! Jim.

Cool video

Yeah that was cool!!!!!!!!
“Get ready, for something wicked this way comes” 😉

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