
full stock time ..

well after ma last set off grips i,ve been wanting to do a full stock for a while so i started one today .this one,s made from popular as the woods hard to get around here and popular is a strong and durable wood.here,s a few pic,s to wet the apitite


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quote Modifier:

Looks verry good. I made a 2 piece wood stock and am now going to make a fancy 1 piece Laqured Bench Rest style.
Keep carving 😀

nice mate and member we lads like to c pics keep us posted . 😀

Looks verry good. I made a 2 piece wood stock and am now going to make a fancy 1 piece Laqured Bench Rest style.
Keep carving 😀

i cant realy tell mate but it ain,t that heavey the wood i used is very light and as u c there,s alot off it cut out i could handle it no probs .. this stock has been sold and the next one might be the same but i,ll be doing one in a few days so i,ll get it to were i think this one is and weight it for u .. 😀

rabbits That stock setup is looking great!!!!!! 😀

Do you know what the total weight of your rig will be at when it’s all done?

I stll love the cell phone modification on the grip…Brilliant!…lol

Love the coco bolo

quote WalkonKing:

You really outdid your self on that. What did the butt plate end up looking like?

I thought you were going to keep it for yourself….you sure are generous guy!

well mate i was but i,m thinking up a realy good light weight one for myself and if the moneys right i,ll sell as did with the last ..i don,t realy need one for myself do i i have the coco set on my baby

You really outdid your self on that. What did the butt plate end up looking like?

I thought you were going to keep it for yourself….you sure are generous guy!

right boy,s and girls thats it all done just had to wrap it up and s4end it away to it,s new home .before i don,t that i had to take a few pics to show use how it polished up .. netx week i,m starting a new one lol

your right adam the triger guards r crap and with that design i will be takeing it out. the pic u c if a rough pic as thats all i do i always get idea,s a s i go so there,s no piont makeing a big drawing .i like the trigger guard u have there it,s realy smart and worth a thought but i,ll wait and c if the wood i want come,s if not i,lll use some more popular and stain it again .. ment to be getting some spalton beech hope it come,.s 😀


That new design looks great. I see you incorporated the trigger guard. I personally dont like the AF trigger guard and replaced mine. With that new design think about not using the trigger guard and imbed a piece of aluminum into the forearm and extend it over the trigger space toward the handle. I think this might give it a very integral look.

Just a thought hope you dont mind

Look at what David G did with it

cheers mate here,s a wee peek at what i,m going for next this one will be started next week 😀

Just spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!

quote Nuglor:

Wow, that’s incredible looking? I hope you don’t mind, but I have a few questions for ya… How heavy is it? Did you do all the work by hand, or did you use a router for some of it? How many hours do you think you have into it so far? Thanks for being patient with me… It’s just really nice to see quality work like that.

nuglor mate i don,t mind any question,s mate ask away ..to answer the questions i,ll start with what i start at with the wood .. i get a design on papaer and do the basic shape on the wood and use the router for the action section but u do need to use a good bit off elbo greese and sand papaer to do a half round sectoin at the top as i like my actions to sit low in the stock .i did want to drop this actiobn alot lower but couldn,.t. .with the type off wood i,ve used it,s realy light and pretty well balanced..hours wise i,m not to sue as it,s take around two weeks to get this far and at first i was putting in 4-5 hours a day but i started to get to the hard bits and i don,t like to push ma luck with these bits so i only do a few hours when i get there .. it,s over 20 odd hours but as u c it,s well worth it and i,m loveing every minute off it .this stock is for a lad who bought a set off other grips off me and he has two stealths so wanted another set for the other gun .when i,m done i,ll be doing another full stock but this one i will miss out the rear section and it,ll be the same as this only one fixing piont .the pistol grip . thanks for your kind coments mate .. 😀

Wow, that’s incredible looking? I hope you don’t mind, but I have a few questions for ya… How heavy is it? Did you do all the work by hand, or did you use a router for some of it? How many hours do you think you have into it so far? Thanks for being patient with me… It’s just really nice to see quality work like that.

shouldn,t be too long mate just a few coats off dannish and a wee polish and i,ll get it on the gun and take some pics off it .. use will need to wait for pics off the but pad i,m working on that the now 😀

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