
FS Nielsen .22 slugs (partial bag)

I clicked too quickly and ordered the .2175 slugs (5.55 mm). They are too large for my barrel. It’s a 400ct bag, but I’ve used a few, (very hard to cock the gun; Mutant Short). So there’s more than 385 but less than 395. If your gun can handle 5.55 (.2175) slugs I’ll be glad to sell these to you for $15.00, plus shipping. These are 17.5 grains in weight. I’ve since placed another order, but this time for the .2165 slugs of the same weight.
USPS m.o is preferred, but I’ll accept Pay Pal, and split the fees with you.
reply to me if interested
thanks for looking,

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Still available?

we are resolved. thank you again, Sir.

Will the email addy I have of you work for PayPal?

Sold! To miksatx as per agreed.

maybe… let me do the math. I’ll get back to do directly. 🙂

Will ya take $22 shipped PayPal f&f

Slugs are still for sale.

Heri, I own a Taipan Mutant Short. But it has a new Cz barrel, and yes the choke it very tight. 🙂

Yea,im pretty sure 0.2165 will suit good for that picky CZ barrel which unlike LW likes a bit smaller projectiles diameter due to that 4 inch choke which is on tight side.I did alot of tuning and moding on mine KG doing best with 5.51 jsb e jumbo 15.89gr 990fps 100 yard sub 1 inch all day long,but would like to see how nielsen performs,would gladly buy em from you but im pretty sure that your KG has same barrel as i have so they would be too tight in breech aswell.Just let me know how those 0.2165 do in accuracy…

hello Heri,
I’m hopeful the smaller .2165 Nielsen slugs will work out for me. I’ll let you know. The first thing I’ll notice is how they will load into the breech, compared to the hard-to-load .2175 slugs (which I measured at .218).
The partial bag is still for sale. 🙂

Hello,i also have Cricket with 450mm CZ barrel,and it likes sub 0.2175 pellets mostly,due to thicker choke whivh all CZ barrels has,probably u need sub choke slug diameter so sub 0.217 will suits i think,tell me how new 0.2165 played out in accuracy i realy want to know…

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