
Frame Venting

Does venting the frame between the bushings really help with the sound report?If so,what size and how many holes to drill?Pics would be nice too.

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thanks GKU!!!!!

anyone have links to the pics on this thread? the ones here are no longer showing…

quote Shadoh:

Vented Bushing

Vented Frame

I recently picked up a used Talon SS, it came with washers and springs to act as an internal baffle. I’ve taken them out and they do cut the sound a little, so I put them back in. I plan on venting my frame and front bushing to make it mouse fart quiet. I was wondering if I should leave these “washer baffles” in place after I’ve drill pressed my vent holes.

I’ve already reduced the hammer slap 🙂

I drilled my front bushing and my frame today. WOW what a differance now all you hear is the hammer slap. So I will have to change that next.

I love this fourm there is so much info, I just keep reading.


I have not drilled out my frame yet. It has more to do with being lazy and not wanting to fuck up my gun since it is shooting like a lazer!

I am not touching anything until I have too. Murphy Law you know

Correct on the brech area. I don’t see any issue as your drilling out inbetween the mounting rails which reinforce the frame, plus its between the bushings which is a strong are of the frame.

Any thoughts on if adding these holes might increase frame flexing and POI shift? I suspect that most of the hold influenced frame flex happens in the breach area.

I was hopeing for more to tell you the truth. You can read more on my thoughts about it in the moderator area. Mebolowesa’s stack question, i replied in depth on the topic. I was out shooting yesterday and for the life of me couldn’t detect any noise from the actual discharge just that hammer/tank ping and the pellet hitting the chunk of ice. I could never get it that quiet with baffles alone. Even shadoh with that nice baffle/spacer arrangement did his bushing/frame venting. What does that say??

Now i have to look into a hammer slap mod, it is decieveing because its right by the ear, but i want pellet impact alone. I believe that will be the hardest noise to get rid of, without sacrificing to much energy. Good luck on the mod, its worth the time invested. Use as sharp of a drill bit as possible as you will have burrs on the inside after drilling. I sharpened my bit after each hole, when you know your going to get through the other side ease up on the pressure, less burr. I used a fine long round file to remove my burrs. SSSHHHHHHH

Thanks for the pics and feedback.

Vented Bushing

Vented Frame

Shadoh had some pics posted awhile ago. I swear by it. Did the whole internal baffle every configuration i could find. It got noticeably quieter after i vented the bushing and frame. Think along the terms of a decompression chamber. Alot of air comes out those holes. I did 4 holes total first one is 3/4″ in front of rear bushing set screw, then 3 more every 1/2″. I only did one hole at first and used a 1/8″ bit. I was messing around with it without the foregrip and noticed how much air cam e out after a shot, shadoh’s pics had for so i added 3 more this time 7/64″ as i felt the 1/8″ got a little to close to my rails. I’ve written enough on this topic. I’d like to hear what others have found as well.

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