
Firearm suppressor vs airgun?

I’m still a little nervous about getting a shroud for an airgun; i’d like to make sure it couldn’t be used on a firearm. Are the principals for quietening a firearm the same as those for an airgun or are they totally different?

Shrouds and Moderators

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One very important difference:


the muzzle device on a firearm _also_ has to catch and cool the gasses from the powder charge, which helps reduce the sonic signature.

Airguns only have to deal with catching and slowing the gas charge…..

priciples are allmost the same….

a firearms supressor can be used on an irgun with lowered efficiency

an airgun supressor granted it can take the pressure from a firearm will work on a firearm as well

when supressing and airgun, your pretty much dispersing the expanding air….

when supressing a firearm, your trying to break up a shockwave

its all about baffels in a tube….difference is where they are placed….firearms starts out with a large chamber to reduce pressure…and then a series of close spaced baffels to deal with the showckwave…

airguns supressors is more about stripping the pellet of the air, 3 chambers space so no chamber has the same resonance frequency is best here….

wanna shoot quiet and legal ?

try this…get 10-15 car tires, put them so they form a long tunnel…now when looking through you will see the sidewalls have formed baffels….tighten them together with straps/rope….place a piece of board in the tunnel so you have something to rest your rifle on….there you go…legal hilbilly silencer….and it works great…not so much for the shooter but for the surroundings…even works for firearms

If it makes you nervous then don’t do it. Even a potato or a coke bottle can be used to silence a firearm.

If it makes you feel any better look at Airforces website at the edge airgun. They put a shroud on it and it will be used in competition with a lot of exposure.

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