Finally getting my big girl panties …
Got word from Tony that my .25 barrel is coming on Friday! Cant wait to try her out and be like the big boys….
“Mommy, WOW! I’m a big kid now!”
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Hey, isnt this thread jacking (no pun intended)… Is that allowed here? 😆
Off to bed now, so I wont be able to defend my honor or my balls until tomorrow………

You have no say in the matter…now come here I have tweezers and some lotion.. 😉

Adam… as much as I appreciate the offer, I’ll choose to take care of my own balls, thank you…. 😆

I’m getting splinters in my balls from the fence though.
Well we will take care of your balls here instead of stomp on them and ignore them then throw them away and tell you they wont be missed…LOL 😆 😆 😆

Hey, thats ME! Back when I was young and in shape.
I’m surprised Don hasnt banned you already for using his picture in your avatar over here…..

haha…. Not yet.
I’m getting splinters in my balls from the fence though.
You quit TOG ?

I can do long range, yes… no problem. Only flat space though is out to about 200 yards. The rest of it is all uphill.
The 400 acres is family owned. Wifes parents, grandparents, and one uncle is on that property… and wife and I. Behind that land lies the Pisgah National Forest so there is plenty back past that should one choose to walk that far.
I’m on call this weekend, so getting out may be hard as the pager dont reach a lot of areas around my place, but I certainly intend on doing some shooting with it this weekend. Would love to see how she does. Should have bought more pellets, but I didnt know how long it’d take Tony to get the barrel and I thought I had time… he cranked it out fast and now I’m caught with some Webley Mosquitos and around 40 or so Kodiaks in .25… 🙁 Will have to wait on an order to get some more in…. I’m hoping that barrel likes Kodiaks well as that’s what I’m hoping to use in it.

Party at Rob’s! 😆 😆 Anychance you can do long range testing on that acreage? Did you get a 24″er?

400 acres behind your house? Shit that beat my 20 feet behind my house anyday 😆
Now go shoot something with that .25 and come back here and rub it in our noses!

Got close to 400 acres of backstop right out my back porch so no worries there! Tomorrow should be the day. I sat on the fence for so long with .25, despite YN and others trying to sway me to take the plunge. I guess I’ll see tomorrow what all the fuss was about!

I just got my Condor .25 from Tony yesterday….. Holy bat crap…. This thing is just insane for an airgun. I’m sure you won’t be disapointed with a .25. Just make sure you have a good backstop! 😀
yo big fella,i bet its like christmas and your birthday all coming at once,lol
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Hey Rob,
You’re going to love the new .25. Mine likes Kodiaks best, Eun Jins are a close second. 400 acres? I’ll be there Monday.
No, it is not thread jacking. Just a good laugh amongst old friends. But I know that you knew what we all already knew. 😛 😆