

I just gotta say this regarding the filarms rifles and people either insinuating or outright accusing Steve in CT of being in on it or somehow placing blame with him on several forums I visit.

Its BS how for SOME people the way this went down is suddenly Steve’s fault because he didnt know this was/is/possibly is a scam.. but THEY are the ones who not only ddnt think it was a scam… but they thought so well of it that they sent several hundreds of dollars for a sight unseen overseas and unproven rifle. Steve is an airgun nut… he got the same info as everyone else, lots of people backed filarms and gave them help.

I’m not saying either way if I think this is a scam.. I dont want to be accused of taking money. But if you sent this guy money and are now claiming that its someone’s fault other than YOUR own… then your a FOOL !!!

And to those guys patiently waiting for their guns.. I hope they show up and are what your hoping for.

Other Guns

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quote TeflonTron:

Mudslinging = Not okay

Naked female mudslinging = more than ok

Spartacus: that is exactly right.

Bad Feedback = Okay

Mudslinging = Not okay

I don’t get to spend much time here and rarely visit other forums, so if I’m to be made aware of anything it’d have to appear here.

I think it’s important such ‘information’ DOES appear here in some form, especially if it concerns two or more actual members of this forum. Otherwise it’s like deleting posts before they’re made!

I do fully understand how negative experiences regularly mutate into pie-slinging and damage more than one man’s reputation, but without negative feedback the positive stuff becomes a farce. Perhaps repeatedly turning a blind eye to a known issue will result in more long term harm, who knows.

I don’t know if there’s any means by which you can keep negative feedback content orderly other than relying on each member’s conscience to keep a bad review as objective as possible. I know this is difficult, so perhaps a policy of consulting mods with an intended ‘bashing’ might be an idea, before a shitstorm goes public.

Of course, if you have a problem with a machinist who’s also a mod that’s a different kettle of fish.
Perhaps we need a mission statement 😆

Just so that we are not at cross purposes, let me clarify. YN is saying that there is a difference between saying that you had a bad experience with someone and being honest about it, and turning the event into a big brouhaha. What YN, Tony, Adam and myself don’t want is for people to use a bad experience as a way of assassinating someone’s character or reputation, as accusations, even when not true, have a habit of leaving a stain on someone. The Yellow Forum is a very large place and they have an area specifically set up so that people can air their major gripes and grievances and that is a much better place to go when your experience is much worse than bad packaging or slow service.

Does that make sense to everyone?

quote TeflonTron:

Shadoh, if people would like to leave Feedback for people that they have done business with then that is fine, and they can do that here, be it good or bad.

I’d like to make a negative feedback agaisnt tron for negating all the arguing I just did in this thread damnit 😈

I come here as my main source of Talon SS information and airguns in general really. If there is some scammer out there that I need to look out for I wouldnt even know about it unless someone posted something here. Same thing for the flip side of that story.

Thanks Tef.

Shadoh, if people would like to leave Feedback for people that they have done business with then that is fine, and they can do that here, be it good or bad.

quote Bodhisdad:

I think since Our friend of a hundred names has been made, again. It will be some time before he stirs up the pot, again. He saw an opportunity to jump in and fan the flames. Shit, i knew who bond was, LW was a surprise. He’s been told told cease or be canned, again. You guys sure hes not over herre as well. Jlee was asking about everything, i know many of you know him, maybe give him a PM and see if he comes over?

Oykas was on here and we were aware from the get go. We let him stay and watched him for awhile….he is no longer here 😆

quote Shadoh:

LOL, no need bud, it was only me griping about it.

I did notice something that irked me today on the TOG though. Bond(Okyas) insinuated that Tony isnt a machinist and that he has someone else do his work for him while he just sits at the computer. Then Denskin and Dragon both back up his trash talking while at the same time saying they are above that sort of thing. How can you support baseless bashing from a guy known to spew lies over just about every airgun forum out there but then in the very same paragraph say you are above that sort of thing? Amazing. Whats even funnier is that Okyas did exactly what he says Tony does. He would sell services and then have his “machinist friend” do the work for him.

Here is the link to that thread if your interested.

Personally I dont think you have to go to school or get some fancy cert. to call yourself something if you know what your doing. Your work will speak for itself. I know for a fact that Tony bought a lathe to do this work. I saw several of his posts on machinist sites inquiring on which lathes would be suitable for the work he wanted to do and he gave examples of what he wanted. I believe I saw him asking on two separate sites. I remember this because it was about the same time I was scouring the machinist sites for the exact same reason. We both ended up going with the same machine but two different brands. This isnt to say that Tony does or doesnt farm out machine work. Im just saying that you dont invest in that kind of machinery if your not going to use it. Only Tony can speak for his work.

Tell me if Im out of line for posting this but it was nagging on me today. I guess I could move it to the Yellow ). Although I dont know where it would go over there.

Tony has a mill and lathe and spends far to much time slaving over them. He makes everything he does. You should hear the whining…lol

Thanks for the heads up. I’d noticed jlee.

I remembered LW being him from doing an IP check back when I was a moderator there.

Theres no doubt that he has a username here.

I think since Our friend of a hundred names has been made, again. It will be some time before he stirs up the pot, again. He saw an opportunity to jump in and fan the flames. Shit, i knew who bond was, LW was a surprise. He’s been told told cease or be canned, again. You guys sure hes not over herre as well. Jlee was asking about everything, i know many of you know him, maybe give him a PM and see if he comes over?

As of yet the yellow doesnt have a section for posts about grumpy old men who like left handed compliments while proclaiming how much better they are all in the same post so I guess its gotta stay here 😛

Gotta love the guys who stick it out there because they dont like the name calling were doing here…. hahaha

LOL, no need bud, it was only me griping about it.

I did notice something that irked me today on the TOG though. Bond(Okyas) insinuated that Tony isnt a machinist and that he has someone else do his work for him while he just sits at the computer. Then Denskin and Dragon both back up his trash talking while at the same time saying they are above that sort of thing. How can you support baseless bashing from a guy known to spew lies over just about every airgun forum out there but then in the very same paragraph say you are above that sort of thing? Amazing. Whats even funnier is that Okyas did exactly what he says Tony does. He would sell services and then have his “machinist friend” do the work for him.

Here is the link to that thread if your interested.

Personally I dont think you have to go to school or get some fancy cert. to call yourself something if you know what your doing. Your work will speak for itself. I know for a fact that Tony bought a lathe to do this work. I saw several of his posts on machinist sites inquiring on which lathes would be suitable for the work he wanted to do and he gave examples of what he wanted. I believe I saw him asking on two separate sites. I remember this because it was about the same time I was scouring the machinist sites for the exact same reason. We both ended up going with the same machine but two different brands. This isnt to say that Tony does or doesnt farm out machine work. Im just saying that you dont invest in that kind of machinery if your not going to use it. Only Tony can speak for his work.

Tell me if Im out of line for posting this but it was nagging on me today. I guess I could move it to the Yellow ). Although I dont know where it would go over there.

Would it appease people if they post the BOI stuff on Yellow.. and they can make a post with a descriptive title and a link to the YF post on TAF?

Seems Dennis has already set a precedent on posting something from our forum on his forum I’ll return the favour seems it is relevant to the discussion.

“Bond” on TOG, SS, AA and probably here too if I check the member list is Oykas. This is what he had to say on TOG yesterday

quote bond:

I like the word you used IN crowd , but is totally wrong. The best words to describe them is Asshole266 and his idiot followers. The biggest scam is Asshole266 which cleverly uses other to do his dirty work.

Dragon it is about time you did a post here and told them everything that you know about asshole266, the scammer that managed to get rid of all the other tuners.
It is also a good idea to let them know that is not even a machinist and that everything that he says he does is done by another person. He just sits behind the pc and hits the key and steals business form others.

He is the one that ruined and finally split the TOG, the others are just idiots under his control and they do not even know it or understand it.

As for the yellow forum, I really do not know why you want to go there anyway

This is the response from Dennis

quote denskin:

Bond, although you may be correct, Don will not do that, nor should any of us. You see if we were to do what you suggest, we would be no better then them. The TOG has to set the example for civility, and higher standards. A place one can come and talk and share ideas, and not have to worry about the evil that is in the world around us. That is the vision that Don has for the TOG, and we have done pretty well so far. Bond your frustration is understandable to be sure, but that kind of thing is not going to go away, so we have to protect the culture we have here. Bad behavior is all around us, it is important that we don’t become part of it.

People STILL buying that shit, and as much as Dennis says they are above throwing stones and “outing people” (I guess what Don did has been deleted from TOG so it “never happened” ???) they are fielding these claims and then acting like “it might be true”….


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