
Factory Top Hat Clearance?

As I mentioned before, it seemed my shot count was dwindling a bit, and a member here said maybe my top hat was out to far, letting out more air than needed. So I loosened it up, and turned it in a 1/2 turn, tightened, and shot. Damn, that thing is touchy. Barely had enough power to get the pellet to the target. So I turned it back out 1/4 turn, and it’s better, but without a chrony, still really don’t know where it should be for most power without wasting air. Anyways, would be good to know what the factory settings are, or what settings seem to work the best for you. Guess I’ll have to look for my feeler gauge. Stock TSS.

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Very good Adam, looks like the Alpha model would fit the bill for me. Funny, I just ordered a 18″ barrel from the same outfit. Good price free shipping (thanks Pilgrim :wink:)

You’re right, I see a Crony in my future as well, it’s just something I need to dial things in right. I know that what works good in one gun may not work in the other.

And yes, if anyone else has any insight on this, do chime in.

Hunh, I have a newer version and it makes me wonder if things have changed… Well if it won’t fire then where you have it is probably better than at no shooty distance! 😆

I see a Chrony in your future! 😉 Also you will know if it is too far away from the bottle (bigger gap) since it will push more air than is needed and be quite a bit louder than at the right setting…

Did you find any info in the archives?

Maybe someone with more knowledge than me (which is not hard here) will step in and enlighten us… 😯

Ah Ha! That’s right, it was you synopsys, I remember now. But here’s the thing, if I turn my top hat way down to .070 as a starting point, (as per the reference thread) I doubt my gun would even fire. It’s roughly at .080 now. It barely fired 1/4 turn less than it is now. Since my gun was made in ’05, I’m wondering if they changed clearances over the years or something.

.090 stock I think but it varies per gun….

I have mine at 0.068 right now and it rocks!!!

Still need to Chrony a bunch of shots and reset the clearance to what works best but it was going through a tank in 35 shots at 0.090… Not right at all and very LOUD to boot! 😉

Sorry I never got back to you about the leak but the site was too slow to use without having a fit while logging in… 😆 Thank god that is over! 8)

SORRY! Should have looked at “Quick Reference” before Posting! My bad… 😳

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