
F"#¤%"#&" thing mill broke

the gear that is driven by the main motor metal gear, a plstic piece of shit, shattered when the endmill started to chatter, and i had forgotten to lok the Z axis…and it wandered down and grapped the tool i was milling…bam sounded like a short circuit…but was the plastic gear that gave up life grrrrrrr

so no fun for a couple of days….was milling a roundball end mill bit that i made my self….

got the Lathe Ball attachment, was tired of not being able to find a roundball endmill that i could afford…..so this 40$ thnigy enables round balls to be cut, and with a little milling a roundnose endmill is created…granted its not the best, but it will do the job.

the big endmill, still needs to get a little angle from the cutting endge towards the back to reduce friction, the small one has this done roughly…i dont need it to look nice, funktionality is what i want


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Adam’s right the chuck that comes with the mills are usually garbage.

for the X-axis the two set bolt are easy to get to and check, their on the right side of the y-axis slide, just under the x table, you want to run the X-axis table all the way yo the left and then back off just enough to tighten them.

The Y-axis nut can only be reached by removing the X-axis table.

I figure it will cost about $700 to convert as long as I use the stock threaded rods and make my own stepper mounts, not that much more than the mill originally cost. (thats for motors, pulleys,drivers, and software)

The biggest reason I want to go CNC is so I can make some more complex shapes, not to many straight lines on helicopter parts 🙂

Plan on running manually for a bit long, need to get a good feel for it before I CNC.

Try drilling using a collet to hold the bit. See if it is still chattering.

Some of the Chinese chucks do not always run true.

cnc sounds cool….but its 400$ in motors, then comes control box and hookup to a pc prolly around 400 bucks for the electronics too….soo expensive i think for a hobby thing (unles i take up a new hobby and start doing electronics hehe)

hmm theres not much backlash at all….how do i get to the nut..do i have to take it all apart ?

3.5″, about the same as my 4″ vice.

I think I’m going to order the extended rack from LMS to get that extra couple of inches.

Was thinking about the air spring, but it looks like I’m going to be able to CNC my mill reasonably soon, and the setup for the Z axis doesn’t need the counter weight.

do you have a lot of backlash – have to turn the wheel a lot before the table moves when changing directions?

Mine was doing that, turned out the nut that the rod moves thru wasn’t tightened down, once I tightened it up most of my back lash was gone

on the X-axis there are 2 set screws that hold it on place.

the turntable is 3.5″ tall it does vertical too

i was considering taking the base off as well now that i dont need it to turn because i got the turntable, right now no troubles…since i got the 2-3″ extension with the gasram

the machine has a lof of vibrations when i try to drill, it really doesnt sound healthy….anyone got a clue to what might be wrong, i was thinking its the lightened z-axis(gasram)

the sideways axis, the threaded rod that moves it all….it chatters like hell…if i put a finger under the table and touch it, it stops…i havent taken it all apart yet but is there an easy way to fix it ?


I see you have the same vise I have. I took off the base and it fits much better because you get more Z travel.

Cygnus X, how tall is that 6″ turntable when laid flat? about how much Z axis clearance do you have with it?

I have a few project in mind that would be a whole lot easier with a turn table, just debating over the size.


yup you live you learn…..i did computers and could tell you the pitfalls there….metal working theres just something new every day

Mine went on without a hitch. Everything went on great not problems at all. Lucky me.

As for the belt tension, dont make it to tight. Loosen the motor mount and turn it on and move it back and fourth until you get what you want. Tighter the belt is much louder a little slack and it quiets down some.

I have heard the head will move down by it self but I have not had that problem with it just sitting there. Now while milling if it is not locked down it will drop…..lol…we all find that one out don’t we?

before the gas spring wheeling it up and let go at the top and it would “fall” down about 1″…look at it the wrong way and it would journey downwards…..a little chatter and it would move, even with the dial engaged

with the gasspring, it stays put whether at the bottom or the top…havent milled anothing with it….but judging how easy it is to moves up and down now its a great mod just for that bit, using the dail has gotten so much easy

i just installed the belt drive….it certainly changed the sound….still noisy, but not as bad, im wondering if mine has a bad bearing or it is simply the belt that makes a bit of noise, i can see the motor spindle is about .03-.04″ further up then the collet spindle….is this ok or should i get a washer on the motors shaft to lower it a bit (will be a bitch to get off)

installation was ok not too dificulty…..but i must say the manual skips over some parts that i found very difficult

removing the sleve around the collet, the one the pin to clok the spindle fits into i found very hard….and the manual offers no help, i managed to get it off by hammering the locking pin….but had to use metel to metal, simply couldnt hit it hard enough with a rubber mallet

getting the motor gear off, i praised my self lucky i had a gear pulley, which grabs the cog, and applied pressure on the shaft without that this would have taking alot longer…

screws for the motor mounting plate was too long funny enough the manual suggest using the original screws …i find it funny such an obvious thing is described yet pulling hears and the sleve of the shaft was not.

nowhere is it mentioned how tight the belt should be either…can some one enlighten me.

i did just try mill a piece of wood with my homemade 1″ round nose cutter….and the sound was much better, plus the bit works great…no burning wood, just chips comming off….man is this going to make it easy to do stocks….


Did your mill want to move down before you put on the new gas shock?

it was very close call theres just 1½ inch left….had never thought of it lol

but it freaking rocks when you raise the z axis it stays where you put it without locking it

you need a taller basement 😯


heres mine with gasram installed

new rotating table

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