

i am thinking of buying an ar6 evanix,its a later model,stealth talon condor shooting is great and i will never replace that but maybe the ar6 will be a good second,as well as being a 6 shot,any feedback,info,pros and cons appreciated,thanks guys,

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thanks for taking time to answer guys,i think i should give it a miss then,will just stick to what i know,good old faithful,the gunpower/airforce range. 😈

Jim Chapman liked his. But he is the only guy I have heard who really liked it. The double action trigger is useless and it drops velocity like a rock.

Take a look at the Sumatra!

I’ve no experience first hand with the gun, but much of what I have read is negative… not a lot of shots, huge spread… etc….

Not read a lot good on it.

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