
ENGLISH Webley Patriot

Not that I have anything agaisnt the Turk Version… I just like having a British Made rifle…

Here’s the Webley Patriot in .22 with a Gas Ram installed that was kindly given to me by Dirty Harry…

I shot it with iron sights for a bit.. I suck with open sights and these modern airguns are capable of so much more so I decided to scope it.

I’m kinda all spent after getting a 410, an RC helicopter and a new NV monocular so I looked for the cheapest I could find that I thought would hold up.

Ended up ordering the B Sqaure AA mount that has the bars specially designed for the webley rail and a Leapers TS 3-9x32mm Mil Dot.

Here’s the scope –

I’m pretty happy with it, for a $44 its nice.

Here’s a long shot – I always think a scoped gun looks better

The AA mount which is sold as being “specifically for Webley” doesnt fit too well, the rail is wider so the side rail on mount is spread out at the base, I had one of these on another springer and it was rock solid, this one has a slight rattle no matter what I do. After some cursing and yelling (Cygnusx can attest to that) I was able to get the mount on the gun pretty solidly. But I’m still thinking about returning it and biting the bullet to get the Beeman mount that costs double what this did.

Here’s the gap I’m talking about…. Works, but those pins arent as deep into the rail as they could be.

We shot a few groups at 10m because it was raining out and I got OK groups for me… Cygnusx got a one holer offhand… Scratches my Scuba tank and then beats me with my own gun !!

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Windage screws properly in the dimples on the gimble?

I know what they look like, yes… I’ll put it on my list of shit to get! Will keep an eye out for one. Any other requests while I’m there? Other than the PM…haha

Thanks Rob….

If you see anything $50 or under designed to fit the patriot would be awesome! You know what they look like?

I thought about modifying one of my other mounts, but I dont think it would work out as well as a dedicated mount. Might end up doing it that way anyway… just have to remember that when I throw the bsqaure in a fit of anger (again) to aim for something soft so I can return it…

I wasnt sure….. I still feel like adjustable mounts are a mystery at times…haha

I wonder if you could modify a different mount with some crossbars to fit the Webley?

Hey, if you want, I’ll keep an eye out for a used Beeman mount for that gun tomorrow at the show. Dont know what price range you’d be willing to spend, but let me know if you want me to pick one up if I find it cheap.

You’d get it back….you said it was a Crosman Quest, right? 😆


I understand how they work. I had to buy them for a Gamo Shadow once because the STOCK scope and mount ran out of adjustment 😯 . Held up find on that gun.. sucked that the mount was worth nearly as much as the gun itself though, lol

Thanks for making sure tho…. !

The only mounts I could find with the parralel bars for webley guns where this and a Beeman.. beeman is $70 so screw that.

I got no problem sendng you the gun if I cant get this figured out, see if you can (but I want it back…. ! )

Yes, but understand that when you tighten the adjustment screws, you are effectively adjusting windage on your gun.

When dealing with adjustable mounts, you need to first center your scope. set the windage and elevation to the mid point of full range of adjustment…

THEN… use the adjustments in the mounts to get you close to center on paper…. this way, you will have the scope centered well in the mount and will still have full range of adjustment with your scope turrets… then………. loctite everything and let it set. Otherwise, you will end up beating your head against the wall until you give up and send me the gun 😆

Were there no mounts specifically for that gun that were not adjustable? In general, I find adjustable mounts to be a pain in the ass, but I’ve had them survive on an RWS 54 and an RWS 48 so they do hold well…

You got the problem right Rob, I had done what you suggested. Everytime I do that, it fixes problem, then when I shoot about 5 shots it comes loose again.

Locitite after I re tighten it all up again, then give loctite time to set and the problem should be fixed right?

….dont quite look right…. but you said that the mount itself is stable now, just the rings that are loose,yes? Or did I misunderstand?

I dont know how familiar you are with adjustable mounts. The screws on the sides are for adjustments… the two on the front (or rear) of the rings must be loosened to adjust the side screws…then locked down to hold everything in place. Once you have everything in order, then loctite, but not before.

If you have some wobble on the rings, then you’ll need to loosen the set screws, then tighten the adjustment screws… then tighten and loctite the set screws…. make sense?

I tried reversing the bar, didnt work. The top is not a .22RF dovetail so it doesnt grip the frame when reversed.

Hell.. I think i’ll be lucky to even see christmas when the wife finds out.. nevermind get anything..

Nice looking rifle! Guns made in England Rock 😀

Is it me or is that bar upside down? ❓

PS: I have to ask, since you got all these new toys what are you getting for Xmas? 😆 😆

Cant view the pics here at work…. will have to check it out when I get home tonight….

Thanks guys…

I re tightened the bolts on the mount and its stable, but the adjustable part keeps coming loose after a few shots resulting in a small amount of play. Everything else seems rock solid.

Would some loctite be enough?

Rob, does that mount look ok to you?

i love the sprigers with gasrams i had a bsa lightning xl and put a gas ram in it and it made the gun very shootable and nice and quite 😀

Looks freakin sharp!!! Nice gun!

Can that bar be flipped around? I have had some mounts that allowed for that

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