
Crosman 2250B Question


OK, you know that co2 crosman gun in .22, with a skeleton stock that pyramydair sells for $77? The Crosman web site can custom build the same gun but with a longer barrel, different trigger shoe, front sight, grips, etc. A lot of you, fine folks, have these guns, so my question is this. Will I squizze more power juice out of this gun if I’ll make Crosman put a longer barrel? The stock configuration is 14.5 ” What will happen if I order 18″ or 24 ” barrel, will I get better results? I understand the concept of an air with our PCPs, but what about CO2? Does longer barrel translates into faster velocity, hence, more energy?


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They installed one on my 2400. It’s a 2 piece design. You can’t see it that well in this picture, but it’s in the bottom of the trigger guard. I installed a 12g Boss valve that I ported myself and replaced the seal with poly tubing and used a heavier hammer spring. I have it shooting about 710fps with a 12g cartridge. I’ve got one of Steve Cocorans new ambi stocks for it and it just makes it that much sweeter! 😀

quote Nuglor:

The Crosman custom shop also adds a trigger stop to theirs that doesn’t come on a stock one. Also, it has a nicer bolt handle.

They didnt on my 2300, which was the only reason I went custom shop instead of buying a regular 2240 and building my own…. 🙁

If you choose to build a 2240, you get the option of picking a short or long steel breech. If you build a 2250, it doesn’t give you the option because it only comes with the long steel breech.

When you use the custom shop, you have a choice of long or short steel breech. Long breech is more versatile as it gives more mounting options.

So, does the rifle come with a plastic breech? When you custom build it, it won’t give you an option to custom build a breech.
I noticed they sell steel breech parts separately. I guess I’d have to purchase it along with a gun.

The Crosman custom shop also adds a trigger stop to theirs that doesn’t come on a stock one. Also, it has a nicer bolt handle.

Cool, thanx guys.

Adam types faster than I…. 😆

Yes, sir… go the custom shop route.

You’ll end up with a steel breech and longer barrel. The longer barrel certainly does give more velocity as in PCP. I personally find the 24 inch barrel a bit too ‘whippy’ but the 18 is just about perfect for a Crosman Carbine. …

or… go with the 24 inch barrel. If you dont like it, it’s easy to chop and recrown the barrels. No choke involved so no worries there.

If you can get that gun with a steel breech and a 18″ barrel and it will be a very nice gun. The extra barrel length will increase your fps for sure. You need the steel breech to mount a scope and it is just much better all the way around.

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