Crosman 2240 Pistol
This has been needing new seals ever sicne I bought all the parts new at the start of the year. Finally got around to ordering a new stem from Crosman and bought some o-rings to replace the ones that had gotton torn up a bit.
I ordered a 2240 from the Crosman custom shop, sold the 2240 valve and tube and replaced them with a 2250 tube and a Boss Valve with Bulk fill end cap. Also replaced the barrel with one from a 2250.
Shoots CP’s at around 575 for just over 10 fpe. Need to mes with it to get around the 600 fps mark.
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will roy sell just the tube… for pcp that is….

You know you can change the parallax setting on those scopes without much trouble……. if you dont know how, let me know.
I did adjust the ocular eyeiece to help at my 25 yards, so he may be able to set it at 10-20 feet. Is that the way it’s done Rod. I hope I got it right. ❓

Will do….
this weekend before I can get to it though.
Hey Rob,
If you wouldnt mind, would you post about how too, with some pics. I’m interested in it also. I remember seeing written instructions somewhere. But some pictures would be nice.

You know you can change the parallax setting on those scopes without much trouble……. if you dont know how, let me know.

To Paraphrase….the distance I’m looking for an optic for is about
10-20 feet. It’s the “Old eyes” and “small Squirrel” thing. 😀
That NcStar on my 2240 is not good from 10-20 feet. It’s better from 20 yards out, but I have used it at 10yards with great success. 😀

some good cheap optics for pistols are the NCStar scopes. I find them plenty acceptable especially given the price range.
Whoops! Looks like some of my message disappeared.
To Paraphrase….the distance I’m looking for an optic for is about
10-20 feet. It’s the “Old eyes” and “small Squirrel” thing. 😀
My 2240 is about as stock as you can find. I mostly use it as a completing the kill weapon.
Having said that, I’m wondering what kind of “optic” I should put on it for really short distance shooting. I’ve got a bird feeder that sits on the deck about 15-20 feet from the deck doors. It’s become a “squirrel” feeder as of late…… least they think so.
So that would be my distance range. You younger guys might have to stiffle a chuckle at my inquiry for optics at that distance. But getting old is a terrible thing! I’m not thinking scope, just something that would do the job for me. As always,
Thanks 😀

I love the 2240. Mine gets 602fps avg with CP’s with 16 shots.

Adam, I completely understand your position. I speak from personal experience and A LOT of research on the various Crosman forums. I agree that it’s up to each individual person to decide if that is something they want to try. Roy at Mountainair makes some great replacement tubes for PCP if someone is not comfortable using the stock tube. HTH 😀

That would take a guy like John Bontrager who knows what he is doing. The entire valve and maintube would need to be manufactured to hold the pressures and be safe. The only thing left is the barrel, breech and grip frame.
This is not necessarily true. There are a number of people that use the stock Crosman tube (with set screws in the valve for safety) and pressurize it up to 1350 psi w/ HPA. Biohazard on the Crosman forum fills his to 1500, but that’s a little high for my liking. It will definately hold 1350 safely. On a hot day, I’ve seen the pressure gauge on my bulk Co2 adapter hit over 1200 psi w/ no ill effects other than Co2 starts to act funny over 90 degrees.
Since I would not do that I would not feel right telling others to do it. If someone feels safe in giving that advice that is another thing. And they can share that information. 🙂

The way you bulk fill a pistol is to cock the gun to open the valve.
This doesn’t make sense…. Cocking the gun does not open the valve on a 22xx. The valve is spring loaded and will only open when the hammer strikes the valve stem.
Ooops…your right I said it back wards.
The gun should be “decocked” and filled and chilled. Then “cocked” to fill.
Sorry bout the confusion.
That still doesn’t jive… you would have to actually fire the gun numerous times in succession to get the spring loaded valve to depress. Just by decocking it, the hammer doesn’t press against the valve stem hard enough to push it in and release gas.
EDIT: O.K. I see what you’re saying, but even with the hammer decocked, as the pressure builds up, it will close the valve unless you just let the Co2 trickle in very slowly.

That would take a guy like John Bontrager who knows what he is doing. The entire valve and maintube would need to be manufactured to hold the pressures and be safe. The only thing left is the barrel, breech and grip frame.
This is not necessarily true. There are a number of people that use the stock Crosman tube (with set screws in the valve for safety) and pressurize it up to 1350 psi w/ HPA. Biohazard on the Crosman forum fills his to 1500, but that’s a little high for my liking. It will definately hold 1350 safely. On a hot day, I’ve seen the pressure gauge on my bulk Co2 adapter hit over 1200 psi w/ no ill effects other than Co2 starts to act funny over 90 degrees.
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I think someone asked him on yellow and he wont. Entire gun only.