
Could I have a leak?

I’m getting about 20 shots before POI change with PW on 4. It seems I got more shots before this. I go to re-fill, and it’s down to around 2000 psi after filling to 2800. Is something going bad? Isn’t 35-40 full power shots more the norm? And I’m only on power 4.

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Thx for the tips. Couple of top hat questions.

If the top hat is out to far, could this also result in erratic POI changes?
I’m grouping good one second, and getting a bit scattered the next, with an occasional flyer that is so far out that I have a hard time believing it’s me, then it will group well again, ect. This really bugs me, and isn’t much fun. Shooting Kodiaks seem to help a bit, being heavier.

Also, what is considered a factory, starting point clearance, and finally, how many turns of the top hat is good to test it, 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn at a time? I’m getting really good FPS from this gun, (TSS) which makes me think the top hat is out really far, but my grouping isn’t the greatest, and i’m only talking about 20/25 yrds. I have to think my gun is capable of doing better. Sorry for all the questions, but I really need to get this sorted out.

Could be the tophat being out to far… (probably the problem)

Or, pump up your tank, let it sit for a few days and then put it back on the pump and pump till the pressure equalizes and see if it is leaking.

I though mine was leaking but after a week of sitting at 3000psi it was still 3000psi…

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