
Condor pictutre

❓ On the Airforce site, is the picture of the condor correct ? With the enlarged picture it looks like screw holes for barrel bussings are near the end of the fram, I thought holes and therefore bushings were closer to breach, allowing about 6″ to slide a pipe in, like in the ss? Thanks

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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quote RiffRaff:

I will have to take your word on that Photo22, Ive never heard of this.

I still dont understand the hole locations though.

Yeah it’s a trip Riff, I shot slide/film for 13 years as a pro.

I will have to take your word on that Photo22, Ive never heard of this.

I still dont understand the hole locations though.

The Pic was takeing with slide film. If you flip the slide it will show like it’s the left side of the gun, but it’s the right. It’s really hard to explain tell you see it done. The pic on the AirForce site is of the right side of the gun.

Interesting. Mine doesnt have any holes in that location. I dont know of any that do either.

Could be a picture of a prototype before they settled on design. I doubt bushings in that location would work very well.

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