
Condor .177?

❓ Hi folks,1st post ever. Thinking about getting an AF gun, maybe a condor .177. , would said gun shoot accuratly with jsb heavies or kodiacks? Maybe adjust power down somehow? I want the condor because of the barrel length and the long scope rail. Also might want a very powerful gun in .22 with 18″ barrel and a legal frame extention in future. Wondering if a dealer would sell me a .177 condor with a standard tank instead of the high flow, and if that would help? Also wondering if the micrometer tank produces an accurate gun with the .177 condor? Thanks a millon.

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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i have no more room in my condor frame when i use a 18 inched barrel.

sirjeigo – how much room do you have for baffling with the 18″ barrel on there?
some day I’d like to turn nine into a .25 ss and I’m wondering if 18″ will work or if I’ll have to go with something shorter.

I have a 18 inched .177 barrel for my condy and it works well.

I usually attach my regulated 1350 psi tank and shoot 930fps consistently with 7.9gr pellets.

Here’s the standard 24 inched .22 barrel

I think Mac1 will sell you the setup your looking for…

Anthony might be able to do something for you also?

Condor in .177 or .22 is going to be a beast and I’m 99.9% sure supersonic with less than Eun Jin’s. There is however a fix I’m pretty sure will work and that is shimming/using washers behind the tophat the restrict the amount the valve can open. Myself, Leel and another guy on here(forgot his name right now 😕 sorry bud) have been working with this and are seeing some GREAT potential using shims. Cool thing is they can be removed in seconds in the field and you have full monster mashing power immediately. You can find my posts in the SS section on using shims.

I am personally looking to see the merits of a Condor sized valve and shims in a .177 Field Target setup (Crosman Premier Heavies @ 900 fps) but I’m a couple weeks out from having the .177 barrels to test it out so I can’t say for certainty exactly how well it is going to work out.


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