
Compressors on airguns

Hi guys I was wondering if I would be able to use a regular old electric compressor like this one: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=47407

The whole reason I want to use one like that is 1: so I don’t have to use an expensive hand pump and 2: because that one is cheap.

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From what i recall, regular compressors are no good on pcp, there has to be something in line that removes the water that is created. Best just to buy a divers tank and have it filled propperly with safely above all things.

You might be able to find a used pump for that price. Look on the Yellow classifieds.


This is probably the cheapest one out there at 800 US and I hear they break allot.


One of the guys here has made a home built one but its not an easy project.

Well damn, so the only way to pump up a pcp gun is to use the hand pump or a scuba tank? My uncle told me that the 100 psi rating is not the max rating, just how much it pumps at a constant. Oh well, looks like I have to shell out $250 for a darn hand pump, unless any of you guys know of a cheaper pump that I can use. I’d really like to limit a pump to $125 or less :/

Unfortunately no (. That compressor only goes to 100 PSI while our guns use up to 3000 PSI. They just dont have what it takes to get you there. There are small compressors that will pump to those levels but they are very expensive and prone to breakage.

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