
COMPETITION Questions / Info Thread

Any questions about the competition –


Should be posted here.

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Last day for entries.. Winner will be announced in 1 hour 15 minutes… Noon EST.

quote jooleyen:

Are Y and Yellow Ninja the same person? I’m confused.

Me too 🙂

alter egos perhaps?

Are Y and Yellow Ninja the same person? I’m confused.

RiffRaff: it would be whoever put their answer here first.

No new questions?

Ok, heres one.

If more than one person guesses the same weight, and that weight wins, who is the winner?

BTW, thanks for this competition. It has been quite interesting to see how many people have tried to measure Predzilla. If I measured correctly , it is appx. 2.415″ wide x 1.3″ tall.

On a lighter note. Thanks guys for sponsoring and running this competition. I have had fun guessing and seeing others guesses. It is really cool to be part of a forum that does things like this for its members (old and new). In addition to all the great information and stories on here.

Lighten up. It’s a light-hearted competition. You know, justforfun…..

quote justforfun:

It’s your contest so you (Y and or Yellow Ninja and what ever other names you use) can do what ever you want.

The original post said; “Predzilla rounded to the nearest grain”.

Your second post said; “Please remember that your answer should be a whole number”.

Just for the record, they are not the same thing, I assumed you miss spoke. Guess you did not know better. 🙂

As for calling someone an ass, I can not for the life of me, understand why anyone would feel the need to do that. Most can make a joke without doing that. I was only trying to point out you were changing the rules after the contest started.

Yes I make errors, but I’m not the one trying to run a contest. Do not worry about me winning, your the one that knows to weight.

Your error and I’m an ass, go figure.

End of issue.

Roy S.

Whatever Yellow Ninja says goes as far as the competition is concerned.

As for your taking offence at being called an Ass….. its nothing compared with what you had to say about someone in another post…


quote justforfun:

I thought of, bimbo, slut, pig……

…. I always thought she was a tranvestite.

No matter the woman I dont think I’d be using that filth when describing her.

But besides that – Yes we are running a competition, But as far as I recall no one is charging any money to enter so I dont think we need to get picked apart over someones misunderstanding of the rules.

Were fellow members just trying to do something nice for guys….

I guess Smart Ass doesnt quite have the same meaning to you as it does me. I apologize if it upset or caused offence, that wasnt my intention. I was joking.

You are wrong on the numbers though.

It’s your contest so you (Y and or Yellow Ninja and what ever other names you use) can do what ever you want.

The original post said; “Predzilla rounded to the nearest grain”.

Your second post said; “Please remember that your answer should be a whole number”.

Just for the record, they are not the same thing, I assumed you miss spoke. Guess you did not know better. 🙂

As for calling someone an ass, I can not for the life of me, understand why anyone would feel the need to do that. Most can make a joke without doing that. I was only trying to point out you were changing the rules after the contest started.

Yes I make errors, but I’m not the one trying to run a contest. Do not worry about me winning, your the one that knows to weight.

Your error and I’m an ass, go figure.

End of issue.

Roy S.

Yes I am running the contest, Yes I understand fun – as I was joking in return.

If I was taking this seriously then I would have said ALL entries with decimals where not allowed and would have taken offence at your latest entry.

It clearly (well to me) says “posts the correct weight of Predzilla rounded to the nearest grain” and that was re-iterated above to clarify the situation, which you choose to ignore and STILL posted an answer with decimals.

So who has the lack of a sense of humor?

I reiterate the PREVIOUSLY posted rules… and still get people not following them, but inspite of that I allow the entries and make an attempted humorous off the cuff remark.

OR the person who cant take someone calling them a smart ass without getting their knickers in a twist.

quote Yellow Ninja:

quote justforfun:

12,305.12 grains

Smart ass 😈


Just wondering, are you the one that is running this contest?

If not please do not try and change the rules, after the contest was started.

It’s just for fun, try it sometime.

Roy S.

quote justforfun:

12,305.12 grains

Smart ass 😈

quote justforfun:

quote Yellow Ninja:

Please remember that your answer should be a whole number. No decimals…


quote dnc:

5 046.38118 grains

I hope you are joking. I did not read that when things started. 😀

Roy S.

Third post –

quote Y:

The member with 10 posts or more who posts the correct weight of Predzilla rounded to the nearest grain in this thread WINS.

Those entries where people insisted on posting an answer to the X decimal point are still valid, but your making more work for the person who has to go through the entires.

I have no idea why it would occur to people to post an answer to the X decimal point when the numbers are in the thousands….. Even a 20 odd gr pellet is only weighed to 1 decimal point but something who has (legitimate) guesses from 5,000 to 50,000 so far should suddenly be accurate to 4 decimals points is beyond me.

quote Yellow Ninja:

Please remember that your answer should be a whole number. No decimals…


quote dnc:

5 046.38118 grains

I hope you are joking. I did not read that when things started. 😀

Roy S.

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