
Co2 Shot string .22

Anyone done some chrony work with there co2 condor?


Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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So with a hpa tank you fill if with nitro and use it with the adapter. can that only be filled at a paitball shop? What sort of string do you think you would bet with the best conditions on co2? Sorry for the questions but i guess im just figuring out about hpa and have only ever shot with co2.

thanks for the help


i have the adaptor, but it is 15 deg. outside so co2 is useless and i got it in late fall, in the fall i was getting mid 600’s but it was cold, i just got a hpa paintball tank and shimed it to put out 1250 psi and i get 900 with cp’s. man it is cold it is coing down to 2 deg. tonight, i was wanted to shoot so bad i was shooting out the window, lucky i heat with wood

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