
Clipping and what it looks like….

I had my gun set up with this cone as part of the baffle system for the Talon SS.

I had just modified my Talon Valve and it was shooting CP at 900 and Kodiaks at 800. Then I took the valve out and put in an original Condor valve only to find out I need to make some changes to it. So I replace the Talon valve and the velocity had dropped off to below what it was before it was modified.

So I contact Tony and he suggested I polish the barrel, since I had installed new orings, so I removed the barrel again but this time there was bunch of lead chips inside the frame….Clippping!….Dam it.

I found the cone had been clipped. What I think happened is the scotch brite pad over many thousands of pellets had work itself down into the spring and interfered with the pellet causing it to clip. So I took out the cone and spring and replaced them with a cooper tube and 1″ washer. It is as good as new and shooting full velocity with deadly accuracy.

Here is a pict.

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Wonder if YN still has the pictures where my condor clipped…

I had an eun jin hit with 60 some fpe dead center. Big chunk out of it. It was my fault though, I had it tightened too much (YN makes me say that every time I talk about it) 😛

Ditto the thanks Adam…I’ve been lucky and haven’t had a clipping issue yet.


Great Info. Adam…..THANKS.

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