
Cheap barrel blanks

I came across a lot of shit during my AK building adventures that might interest some people on this board.



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That top one is exactly what I am using!


Fine on all your views, thats ok. Its just my thoughts on the matter and the fast twist rates too. you will notice the LW blanks below just to illustrate that lead normally has a slower twist.

Walther 9mm Polygon rifled barrel blank, 18mm dia x 620mm long. 10-1 twist rate.

Walther 9mm Lead barrel blank. 16-1 twist rate. 21mm dia x 620mm long.

Walther Barrel Blank in 7.65mm. 17mm O/D x 590mm long. 10-1 twist rate

Thanks to most of you for your civilised manners

I would imagine that shallow rifling would work decent for an airgun seeing as it wouldn’t slow the pellet down as much. I mean shit a lot of pistols don’t shoot cast lead bullets faster than 13-1400, for 147 grain wad cutters I know I only push them to 12 or so out of a 6 inch 357 for some pretty accurate plinking loads and I would be willing to bet they would be more accurate than a lot of shooters at 8-900 where they don’t have to break the sound barrier.

Thanks for the info guys. I think I will pick up one of those barrels. It sounds like there is a long wait for shipping though but that is a killer price.

I used a 17 inch 357 magnum pistol barrel. The rifeling looked deep. It works just fine with 77 grain eun jun pellets. 38 cal 156 grain hard cast bullets are too tight. 156 grain soft cast bullets , sized to .352 work good.


Wally…the 9mm pistol barrels i have seen were shallow rifled, gripping FMJ’s fine but shit with cast lead, this is my findings for your information. If you have found some nice deep rifled barrels, then bully for you. oh yeh … and up ur ass too.

quote Shadoh:

I thought I remember YN using a firearm 9mm for an airgun barrel? I could be wrong though.

Firearm barrels are PERFECT for airgun use in the larger calibers. The rifling is deeper than what you get in a Career barrel and so no troubles at all. I use a .303 british barrel for .32 cal and a .458 barrel for my .45 and no troubles at all.
Beargrease your blowin’ it out yer butt man 🙂


I thought I remember YN using a firearm 9mm for an airgun barrel? I could be wrong though.

Powder burning rifling in 9mm usually is shallow and now good as air barrels, they are intended primeraly for metal jacket as per military use.

quote Shadoh:

Hmm, would these be the same as 9mm airgun barrels? Would 9mm airgun pellets work in these barrels?

I would probably use cast bullets in the 90-115 range with them. Pull some power out of it.

Hmm, would these be the same as 9mm airgun barrels? Would 9mm airgun pellets work in these barrels?

WOW, 40 bucks for a 9mm barrel blank? It doesnt list the twist rate though. We would have to ask Cyg if its any good or not ).

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