

I guess I got the Mod bug so i gave it a go….

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quote Oeno:

The button looks cool.

WOk well I finally broke ranks and posted. It was to tempting. No, it’s just to good of a site not to. If we participate the forum will go on. To much good info to let it go to the wayside.

Very nice…welcome aboard!

The button looks cool.

WOk well I finally broke ranks and posted. It was to tempting. No, it’s just to good of a site not to. If we participate the forum will go on. To much good info to let it go to the wayside.

New button is very nice. Thanx

quote TeflonTron:


Thanks Mike, I very much appreciate your work, and I know that the others do as well.

EDIT: I put the link on the leftmost side as it catches the eye better.

No problem at all, what ever you guys need I’m here. 🙂


Thanks Mike, I very much appreciate your work, and I know that the others do as well.

EDIT: I put the link on the leftmost side as it catches the eye better.

Sorry for the hold up I’ve been in the studio all night and I had to get some rest, but here it is…. 🙂

quote WalkonKing:

Shoot we have 1/2 our membership that just likes to read….come on guys give us a few posts or sarcastic remarks 😛

well we cant all have such an affliction of verbal dioreah 😉

I am not familiar with my space but whatever brings the butts in puts them in the seats sounds good to me!

Shoot we have 1/2 our membership that just likes to read….come on guys give us a few posts or sarcastic remarks 😛

quote TeflonTron:

Very nice, Mike. Thank you.

Here’s a challange for you though, should you choose to accept it: I can’t use that banner as it distorts the Forum and starts to make the Header look crowded, but I really do like your work. Think that you could whip something similar up along the lines of 60×30 or 80×40? Something along those lines.

As you can see I’ve removed the original Image and just replaced it with a temporary text button, but look forward to using your cool work as I think that an animated gif will be just the ticket.

Glad you like it Tron, I will make it as soon as I get home tonight.

also what did you guys think about the myspace idea.[/i]

free porn? Where??? I can’t find it!!! I’ll be back. I got’ta find the free porn!!!

If you label the button “Free Porn” I’m sure everyone will click on it… 😛


Very nice, Mike. Thank you.

Here’s a challange for you though, should you choose to accept it: I can’t use that banner as it distorts the Forum and starts to make the Header look crowded, but I really do like your work. Think that you could whip something similar up along the lines of 60×30 or 80×40? Something along those lines.

As you can see I’ve removed the original Image and just replaced it with a temporary text button, but look forward to using your cool work as I think that an animated gif will be just the ticket.

That says it all…very cool

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