
Changed bushing lost scope zero but laser held zero

Stock Talon SS tri rail with AH Shroud which was zeroed well at 30 yds. I bought new bushings and drilled one and replaced the front. I expected a zero shift. I ran out of vertical adjustment and the since the illuminated reticle was going bad I returned the scope. I was going to exchange it but a replacement was not in stock so I went out and got a Banner 6-24 x40. I mounted it lightly and the same problem low and right too far to adjust but when I shot using the laser sight the rifle is close to right on. I have shimmed the tri rail to aid in vertical adjustment. I changed mounts but I still have the same problem low and right with the optical sight and shooting OK with the laser. Oh I did retighten the lower set screws in the barrel but no difference and the laser was still close. I didn’t drop it etc. ANy ideas?

Talon/Talon SS

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Try swapping mount back to front….

sometimes one mount is higher then the other.

I did try it without the tri rail but it seemed about the same. The laser is on the accessory rail above the barrel. What bothers me most is that all seemed OK beforeoI can understand if I need more vertical but I did not need it before I fiddle with the barrel. I eyeballed a laser along the rails and they seem to be pretty well lined up. I thought that shimming the tri rail in the back using aluminum pie plate was the least severe way of shimming. I am not opposed to getting new mounts–just would like to get some shots at the muskrats–water rats.

Try the setup without the tri rail. I’ve seen bad tri rails. I use a one piece beeman high mount. Is the laser attached to thetrirail or under the barrel?

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