
Cetme rifles

I know I need to stop bother the airgun forum with firearms, but oh well. 🙂

Ok. I’ve got a job, so I have a good source of income. Now that I’m realizing I have money, I’m (of course) looking for another gun. Trying to figure out what I want. I already have a powerful hunting rifle, anything bigger would be a safari rifle, and even more pointless. I have an accurate gun, the xr-100. I’d like a long range gun, but I only have 100 yards to shoot, and the xr-100 does that extremely well.

So, what I’m left with is a fun gun. At the gun store recently, and saw the cetme rifles. It’s the gun that the h&k g3 was designed off of. Look really cool. Definately be a fun gun. I looked at an ak, but I don’t care for a knock off one, I’d rather have a russian one. Seeing as those are thousands of dollars, this gun is looking a lot better.

Anyone ever used one of these, or heard anything about them? I still have to save for a little while, but I do think this is what I’m going to get. Besides, I need a good semi auto rifle in case of WWIII. 😉

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Don’t know what you are budgeting for this project but a number of years ago I combined the two (long range and fun gun). Since you are here messin with af guns you must like to tinker which this fits in also.

Custom ar-15 variant.

Can buy receiver only from many places for less than 200.00. Get your local gun shop to order for you (this is the only serialized part)

Many “kits” are available to complete the gun. I went with a 22″ bull barrel kit from a wilson arms distributor, cost 599.00 as memory serves.

I can now have semi-auto fun with any kind of target out to 100 yds……cans, clays, golf balls, etc with CHEAP surplus ammo or I can break out the precision reloads and take critters out to 3-4 hundred yards.

This is just my variation, there are so many caliber/appearance/trigger/etc mods out there for this gun it is mind boggling. Caliber can be changed on demand…..push two pins, change upper receiver, insert different mag. From .223 rem to .50 beowulf (makes the gun a semi-auto sledge hammer). Maybe a carbine barrel in 9mm for sub 50 yard plinking.

These are much like the af guns……..possibilities are limitless

Just food for thought

un grandma….way funny….hopw noone lives on the other side of that hill cause she sure lobs a few over it

Get one of these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSzshkg9LJ0

Never too old to have fun with a gun!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYXJYQZ3FX0&NR=1


Shotgun maybe?

Ge- Minigun for hunting and range fun….

phalanx for home defence

Buy a chainsaw.

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