
Building a "Talon" from scratch – need advice

Hi there

I have had some pcp-guns before, but now I want to build my own.

– I have never laid my hand on a talon, but I like the design.

With the informations found on this site I have started drawing.

I just have one question for now – Think more will come 😀

– Should the hammer be sliding inside the frame or on the barrel?


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I like the idea.

If you are new to Inventor please feel free to ask – I will answer as good as I can. – I use Inventor about 6 hours a day….

I have had an older model steyr – their boltaction arent easy made.


thinking about making a rifle like a Talon, only with the loading like a Steyr lg100 ( see link ) and the bottle 1″ lower then the barrel.

Open the breech, and cock the rifle, with the front of the stock.


Want first a good drawing like INVENTOR, so you can move the parts.

My take is, try and never worry about what others say. 😀

Most of us are not professionals, when it comes to air gun design. I am so glad we aren’t. Great things come from non professionals.

Show what you can, get others ideas, make changes if you want. Never stop trying.

Post, post, post if someone laughs just do not listen to that person.

OK sometimes people will pull your chain, just remember a pull on a chain can turn the light on.

crap , if you do 3d drawing or a living i won’t show you , you’d just laugh . lol . i do have some real pictures , may be alot better . i have only had google scetch for a week , so my 3d skills are awesome .lol
i beleive my way of building one is very easy , and does work great .

Well. – I do 3d drawings for a living, and I am currently drawing on a gun. Sure I would like to see the 3d.

I am still a bit confused about the hammer thou.

I think I am going for an electronic trigger to solve all the problems with that.

My email is Boelslair@mail.dk

ive never seen one either , but i made mine slide on the barrel , and made the hammer has an extended part that make a spring guide . i beleive my barrel is thicker then the talon . i have a crapy 3d drawing almost done if you’d like to see it .
my gun is way better then talon or condor . 🙂 ignorance is bliss.

If you are making it….go for it and have them slide on the barrel. That would be better anyways

BTW…Welcome! We have some crazy talented people here and we expect pictures. 😛

it slides in the frame on delrin bushings.

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