
Breach slide feeling gummmy, sticky..

I was shooting today and the action on the breach slide just isn’t as smooth as it used to be, don’t like it, can’t be good. Can anyone tell me how to lube it up, or how do I get it back the way it was? I looked in the reference section and didn’t see much in this paticular area.

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Take Tony up on his offer with those o-rings. They are tighter fitting, harder, and will last a very long time. Take a flashlite and look inside the brech, there is a o-ring on each end of the brech, they are easy to remove and replace. Well worth the effort. 90’s are the way to go and its a generous offer to all. Now you know the feel of a dry barrel/brech. Dieletric greese works as well, its bulb greese you can get .99 packages from any auto store/dept at wally world.

Mission accomplished.. thanks for all the great help. Tony, I didn’t quite go as far as remove PW, spring, hammer, but I did remove the barrel. The breach end was all gummed up with old dirty lube, no wonder it was so bad. Cleaned it real good with Goof Off. Since the breach was now loose and flopping around, and with the bottle off, I could get a Q-tip inside it pretty good, it was full of black crap. Took several Q-tips to clean it out. Found a close diver shop in Burbank, the guy filled my tank and GAVE me the silicone I needed.

Lubed inside of breach and breach end of barrel. Pulled some cleaning patches thru it while I was at it. Put it back together… the breach now slides like greased lightnin.’ Yeah!

Real nice of you to offer those seals.. may be hearing from me about that at some point. Some day I will take the whole gun apart, just to understand it better, and know it inside out. Thanks for everyones help again.

Go through the muzzle end. Six set screw, endcap, 4 barrel screws, two are under the fore grip. Also remove the PW set screw.

Remove your barrel, PW, hammer spring and hammer.

Remove the rubber cap off your breech knob, there you will see a 1/8 hex screw for removal. Everything comes out the muzzle end.

You will have to depress the trigger, safety or both get the hammer and breech slide out as you tap the rifle’s muzzle end on a hard clothed surface.

Once removed clean out all that thick grease in the breech slide and anywhere else with WD-40 or mineral spirits.

Run a rag down your rifle frame to clean that also.

Since the barrel is out, ploish up the smaller ID of it with 400-600 grit emery cloth.
Apply a coat of divers silicone to the breech seals and the breech end of the barrel and reassemble.

If you want to replace your breech seals with a better 90 durometer seals, send me a SASE and I will give you some.

That goes for any one here.

Good Luck,

You could take the grip off, then the tank collar off and access the brech that way as well, saves time if you have baffles inside. I use a q-tip with the divers slicone and just run it back and fourth a few times through the brech. either way works fine, just depends on how you have your rig setup.

OK one more thing, I’m assuming the best way to do this would be to take the barrel out to then expose the whole area the breach slides against to lube. I’ll do that if it’s the best way. Or is that what you meant anyway. sorry for all the questions, just wanna treat my baby right.. 😉

Put a little bit on the barrel where the bolt slides. Then with a tooth pick put some lube on the otherside bolt throught the top slot of the gun. Work it back and fourth real good.

Where exactly Adam, the ouside of the slide? It seems like maybe its rubbing on the inside, like maybe the ID of the slide, I can’t tell. Do I just leave the slide in to do it? I’m kinda hoping so. Any O-rings involved here?

Divers Silicon.

Lube it up!

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