
Brain fart question

While waiting on my new .25 cal barrel to get here, I had a brain fart….I am asuming I am going to have to make a new breech and use a different size o-ring…Which in turn means I am going to need a new tophat as well….Any body with a 25 care to tell me if I’m right or not


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KEWL….I guess I might be chunkin 25 cal slugs by the weekend…waiting to see if DNC post any pics of his modded valve….

Man! I got’ta get me one of those!!!

I’ve made several barrels that way and its fine, I was also concerned by my fears were alleviated when I made it.

Thats going to be really thin in the turned down part of the barrel…Right now a factory barrel measures .310 on the outside – .22 on the inside equals that is only .09 on the wall..if i go -.25 cal that is .06…I’m concerned that is a little on the thin side….

If its a Tony barrel, it will drop right in with no modification using your existing breech plug.

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