Bolt is hard to open/close
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Hi Adam
What do you make for the Talon line?
I always see you Items are they 4/s
I’m trying to get a shooting club started on Long Island
If you know any airguns who like to shoot
Please let me know.

Good to hear Guy.
1. Talon up and shooting
2. Replaced O-Rings Cleaned and libe
3. All parts moving will.
The safety on these guns can mess with the sear making it hard to impossible to cock. The brech runs on the barrel so i’d be looking at the sear area as potential problem as well as the screw which was mentioned. Loosen the screw and see if things improve. If not you can rule it out and move on to the next.
1. Order came in O-Rings
2. Only time to work on it is friday night
will let you guys know.
Thanks for all your help.

Did you get your gun working?

here’s a better diagram for you to look at
Trigger group:
1. Remove bolt, noting missing
2. Checked O-rings and small rubber spacer clean
3. Still not cocking
4. Need a good drawing on how the trigger grop components
5. dose the trigger foot go over or under the intermediate bar?
6. the safety catch go in front of spring ?

Check the screw that holds the trigger guard on the frame. I had to grind a bit off the end because it was blocking the travel of the hammer when cocking. Loosen the screw and see if it helps.
Also, unscrew the cocking knob from the bolt and see if the little plastic collar is damaged. Might be sticking in the slot.
Yes, With tank off, still hard
and still not cocking

When you take the tank off is the bolt still hard to open and close?
Cocking could you need to advance your sear spring forward.
Remore bolt, clear
Just hard to open and close
And will not cock at all

What seems to keep the bolt from opening or closing?
Take off the tank and look inside the bolt. Are the orings intact?
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What do you make for the Talon line?
I always see you Items are they 4/s
I’m trying to get a shooting club started on Long Island
If you know any airguns who like to shoot
Please let me know.
I like to tinker around and come up with stuff I want. I think I will be putting together some type of butt plate pkg. so guys can upgrade theirs. Hopefully I can get something together today to show you guys.