
Blodnob valve more numbers and adjusted tophat.

Alright played with the valve again todaymoved the tophat in to 2.4mm still factory hammer spring, 75g hammer, 21g kodiaks, 12″ barrel. Managed to gain another 20fps with a minimal shot spread. I’ll dial in the tophat just abit more in the future and see what happens just.1mm gained me 20fps its the only thing i changed can’t think of anything else to account for the gain in velocity.

01. 868.1
02. 880.1
03. 878.8
04. 882.9
05. 866.7
06. 881.3
07. 880.4
08. 879.4
09. 890
10. 887.1 10 shot avg. 879.4 36.2fpe
11. 869.9
12. 865.3
13. 865.1
14. 874.5
15. 868.9
16. 865.2
17. 862.4
18. 856.1
19. 857.3
20. 851.1 20shot avg.871.5=35.6fpe extreme spread of 38.9fps still under 2 fps per shot 🙂 Eun jins next, we’ll see some higher fpes only have 12 left will pst in a bit.


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It performs better with a stronger spring and a little heavier hammer, tophat adjusted out will give a guy big numbers but more of a shot spread with the largest port restrictor. Just now got back to playing around with it. I could also try a liter valve spring for it, have it in my tackle box too. Might help with some of the soft shots. If it wasn’t for the couple of lower powered shots to begin with the spread would be much tighter. Once the pressure in the tank is in balance with the valve spring the numbers are pretty staedy. Haven’t found the right hammer spring for it either. Been dam cold to go out hunting for parts too, been fine hibernating and working on grips or other AF related stuff. Here is a short string with the last of my Eun Jins.
01. 774.4
02. 809.2
03. 811.9
04. 813.6 41.7fpe 🙂
05. 810.9
06. 802.5
07. 803.7
08. 793.9
09. 791.4
10. 788.8
11. 788
12. 785.4 avg fps. 797.8= 40fpe extreme spread of 39.2
I’llpost a longer string once i feel i got it where i want it.After 20 shots i’m at 2200psi on my refill gauge. Should give a person an idea of how much air is being used. .

Mike i would love to see what you’ve done with your Talon valve to get numbers almost equal to this valve. Might me i’m wasting some air with the shorter barrel. Which could be because i tried out the 18″ and got 1006fps with kodiaks this had been after a shooting session very similar tophat setting and string as posted above. With a talon valve and a added 18″ barrel one gains 90fps give or take a few fps. We’ll see, alot of variables and adjustability with this valve.

Now this is getting closer to my modded talon set up using standard parts albeit string is a bit short. I would think/expect the valve might deliver more.
None the less making good power.

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