Blobnob valve
I am looking for information on the Blobnob valve. Such as what it does, price how to purchase etc. Thanks
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I’ve got one, Sam, and what it does is kick ass :-)! Sean (Blodnob) has them set up with different sized inserts for the top hat, it’s just one more way to tailor the air flow. With one of these valves, you can realistically duplicate (or better!) the performance of all three Air Force valves, from the Micrometer to the Condor. It’s more robust than the stock AF valves IMO, and flows better. I think it’s worth every penny, and Sean is a great guy to deal with, although like all of us, his real life gets in the way of our air guns :-). I think one of his valves would be the perfect choice for a .25, and he’s made valves for big bores. Just for grins, awhile back, I decided to see just how fast I could go. With a 24″ .22 barrel, and 28 gr. EJ’s, I had several shots in excess of 1400 fps, and a couple over 1500. And that was with a 75 gm. hammer and stock spring. I could probably have gone faster with the 110 gm hammer and different spring, but who cares? My main limit is pellets, there’s not much choice past the EJ’s, and what there is is ridiculously expensive. And besides, if I really need that much power, .22 rimfires are cheaper and quieter. Anyway, hope that answers your questions, and if you want more info, you know how to reach me. Later.
Dave, any chance you would say how you achieve those speeds?
Using Helium? overpressuring the tank?
How much air per shot?
This came up over in the 22lr vs 22air thread.
I am unaware of anyone making a 40 grain .22 bullet go 1100fps on air
Have you tried that yet? If you would be so kind as to load two 21 grain Kodiaks and give us a fps reading I for one will be forever grateful 🙂
Walter, I get the feeling you’re questioning my truthfulness :-). No, I wasn’t using helium, or over filling my tank. I simply maxed out everything I could, removed the inserts so I was running max flow, jacked the power wheel all the way up, and shot it over the chrony. Based on a recent discovery, I was probably running much LOWER than max tank pressure, turns out the filler gauge I’ve been using for the last year reads about 700 psi high. Shot count was abysmal, it was noisy as hell, and I didn’t even try for accuracy. But as far as I know, my chrony is accurate, the only variable I can’t account for is pellet weight. I didn’t weigh them, so it’s certainly possible I got some underweight Eun Jins. And before you ask, no, I can’t duplicate the results. I no longer have a 24″ barrel, and I’m now using a different Blodnob valve. In case you’re interested, my current Blodnob valve with 18″ barrel easily blows Kodiaks past 900 fps, and that’s with everything dialed way back. And no, I don’t think I want to try loading 2 Kodiaks at once. Even if I could, it sounds like a good way to get a tank dump. Later.

I’m not getting any time in the garage due to work.
I’m going to put every thing on hold till ive time to honour my comitments.
Sorry to the gentlmen who have been waiting for bits to be made/finished/repaired, but i hardly see my my wife n daughters as it is.
Its just a matter of prioritys.
Reagards, Sean. 🙁
Sean, in your testing of your valves, what is the maximum power you have achieved to date in say .22 or larger?
What pressure and how many shots per fill?
Thank you

Where can I find more info?
I’ve got one, Sam, and what it does is kick ass :-)! Sean (Blodnob) has them set up with different sized inserts for the top hat, it’s just one more way to tailor the air flow. With one of these valves, you can realistically duplicate (or better!) the performance of all three Air Force valves, from the Micrometer to the Condor. It’s more robust than the stock AF valves IMO, and flows better. I think it’s worth every penny, and Sean is a great guy to deal with, although like all of us, his real life gets in the way of our air guns :-). I think one of his valves would be the perfect choice for a .25, and he’s made valves for big bores. Just for grins, awhile back, I decided to see just how fast I could go. With a 24″ .22 barrel, and 28 gr. EJ’s, I had several shots in excess of 1400 fps, and a couple over 1500. And that was with a 75 gm. hammer and stock spring. I could probably have gone faster with the 110 gm hammer and different spring, but who cares? My main limit is pellets, there’s not much choice past the EJ’s, and what there is is ridiculously expensive. And besides, if I really need that much power, .22 rimfires are cheaper and quieter. Anyway, hope that answers your questions, and if you want more info, you know how to reach me. Later.
Dave, any chance you would say how you achieve those speeds?
Using Helium? overpressuring the tank?
How much air per shot?
This came up over in the 22lr vs 22air thread.
I am unaware of anyone making a 40 grain .22 bullet go 1100fps on air
Have you tried that yet? If you would be so kind as to load two 21 grain Kodiaks and give us a fps reading I for one will be forever grateful 🙂

How would this valve work with stock hammer/spring, (if at all) on a TSS And if it does work like that, what would the performance increase be, and how much would the shot count be effected?

Blodnob is one of our Golden Boys. I suggest if you want one of his valve get on the list.
His work is great…as we all have seen.
How much does one of his valves cost?
Where can I find more info?
I’ve got one, Sam, and what it does is kick ass :-)! Sean (Blodnob) has them set up with different sized inserts for the top hat, it’s just one more way to tailor the air flow. With one of these valves, you can realistically duplicate (or better!) the performance of all three Air Force valves, from the Micrometer to the Condor. It’s more robust than the stock AF valves IMO, and flows better. I think it’s worth every penny, and Sean is a great guy to deal with, although like all of us, his real life gets in the way of our air guns :-). I think one of his valves would be the perfect choice for a .25, and he’s made valves for big bores. Just for grins, awhile back, I decided to see just how fast I could go. With a 24″ .22 barrel, and 28 gr. EJ’s, I had several shots in excess of 1400 fps, and a couple over 1500. And that was with a 75 gm. hammer and stock spring. I could probably have gone faster with the 110 gm hammer and different spring, but who cares? My main limit is pellets, there’s not much choice past the EJ’s, and what there is is ridiculously expensive. And besides, if I really need that much power, .22 rimfires are cheaper and quieter. Anyway, hope that answers your questions, and if you want more info, you know how to reach me. Later.
Where can I find more info?
[quote=”blodnob”]Sorry about that .
I’m not getting any time in the garage due to work.
I’m going to put every thing on hold till ive time to honour my comitments.
Sorry to the gentlmen who have been waiting for bits to be made/finished/repaired, but i hardly see my my wife n daughters as it is.
Its just a matter of prioritys.
Reagards, Sean. :([/quote]
a gentleman and a scholar

Cant they see you when they bring you food and water out to the shop?
Someone please point me to a link to what this does.
Cant they see you when they bring you food and water out to the shop?

Sorry about that .
I’m not getting any time in the garage due to work.
I’m going to put every thing on hold till ive time to honour my comitments.
Sorry to the gentlmen who have been waiting for bits to be made/finished/repaired, but i hardly see my my wife n daughters as it is.
Its just a matter of prioritys.
Reagards, Sean. 🙁
I have tried to PM him several times put have yet to receive a response. I wasn’t sure if I was contacting the correct person or not but his being very busy with projects explains it. Thanks
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Dave, any chance you would say how you achieve those speeds?
Using Helium? overpressuring the tank?
How much air per shot?
This came up over in the 22lr vs 22air thread.
I am unaware of anyone making a 40 grain .22 bullet go 1100fps on air
Have you tried that yet? If you would be so kind as to load two 21 grain Kodiaks and give us a fps reading I for one will be forever grateful 🙂
Walter, I get the feeling you’re questioning my truthfulness :-). No, I wasn’t using helium, or over filling my tank. I simply maxed out everything I could, removed the inserts so I was running max flow, jacked the power wheel all the way up, and shot it over the chrony. Based on a recent discovery, I was probably running much LOWER than max tank pressure, turns out the filler gauge I’ve been using for the last year reads about 700 psi high. Shot count was abysmal, it was noisy as hell, and I didn’t even try for accuracy. But as far as I know, my chrony is accurate, the only variable I can’t account for is pellet weight. I didn’t weigh them, so it’s certainly possible I got some underweight Eun Jins. And before you ask, no, I can’t duplicate the results. I no longer have a 24″ barrel, and I’m now using a different Blodnob valve. In case you’re interested, my current Blodnob valve with 18″ barrel easily blows Kodiaks past 900 fps, and that’s with everything dialed way back. And no, I don’t think I want to try loading 2 Kodiaks at once. Even if I could, it sounds like a good way to get a tank dump. Later.
Dave, thank you for the update.
I am indeed a bit pessimistic regarding the 1400 and 1500fps.
Looks like you have raised the bar mind you unless you are shooting it at that speed I guess it doesn’t really help.
Hearing that it has been done picques my interest for sure.
Would you have any information on that first valve you used?