Best scope mounts / best bipod
bushnell 4200 scope. what’s the best mounts for a talon ss?
what’s the best bipod for a talon ss?
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Well, my first bipod for my SS was a used AirForce one I got at Mac1. I wish I never got it because it was just to wobbly in every direction, the legs would always spread a tad just before a shot, ect. I almost got a brand new AirForce one but figured it was just a matter of time before it would end up just like the used one, at 20 some bucks more than the Harris clone. But with the adapters it’s about the same price I guess.
Guess it all depends on what your needs are, I shoot from a bench all the time, and need a super steady bipod, and by the construction of it, seems it will stay that way for a long time. My groups have improved greatly with this, and that’s what makes it a keeper for me.
The harris and harris clone are heavy as well. The only way to mount them effectively is with the adapter. I did like the bi-pod, but i stripped out my forearm screw by attaching it on there. I think the AF bi-pod is great, other then not being able to swivel/ pan its fine. Thinner and not as bulky as the clone/harris.
I’m using a 1 piece mount and they are great, next best thing to a tri-rail.

The one thing I do not like about that bipod the spring loaded legs re-tract up. Last Sunday my powder burning hunting friends got together to build some shooting stands. One guy was showing off his new bipod and the spring that retracts the legs up drew blood from two of us. So I don’t like them anymore. If you have both harris and this one, watch out for it.

Got the 11mm to Weavers adapter on Ebay, $5.99, (shipping is more than the part)
Got the Weavers stud part that attaches to adapter and bipod at Cheaper than Dirt.

Where do you get the adapter for that bipod?

This is a good bipod I just got. Way better than the AirForce one IMO. It’s called a “Rock Mount” I believe. A few reviews says it’s just as good as the Harris for about half the price, which is $44.00 at Cheaper Than Dirt.
This one really is rock solid. The ONLY thing I don’t like about it is that the spring loaded legs re-tract up, not out. But this is a good bipod for the price. It looks kinda clunky with the adapters I have to attach it to gun rails, but I’m gonna change that to make it look a bit sleaker. Another good thing about CTD is that they send your stuff FAST.
I read some thread about frame flex, can’t find it for a link.
Remember someone saying use a tri-rail with rings or just a 1 piece
okay, thanks, I’ll check those out. I just bought some stuff from pyramid tonight.
fyi, if anyone wants a coupon code for 10% off at pyramid, lemme know. I found one that works. (got 3 tins of predators, got 1 free, and then got 10% off).
Same thing I have on one of my Talons (2 pc.). Good choice, but probably won’t be high enough unless you also have a TriRail or other riser. You might also want to consider the Leupold rimfire mounts sold at WalMart. I just got a set of the extra high see through ones for my other Talon, I really like them. They feel higher than the Accushots, but the tape doesn’t agree. What’s up with that :-)?
Had an AF bipod, but I sold it. No issue with the bipod, I just didn’t like having one on my rifle. Obvious choice for these guns, but lots of guys seem to like the Harris better, despite having to come up with an adapter for them. HTH.

I like the one or 2 piece accushot high mounts. THey are cheap and you can get them from pyramid airgun.
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scopemounts…BKL…they are self centering for the shooter that wants the scope to be 100% centered and not ever so slightly off to one side !
dunno about bipods…