
Been done on other forums… Christmas wish list?

Anything yall are hoping for Airforce related this year?

As for me, I just want to get more time in with my Condor. Been sorely neglecting her due to other guns taking my time. The .25 barrel from Anthony is awesome and it’s everything I’d hoped it would be… just need to shoot more with it!

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I’m Jonesin’ for my shooting fix too. I blast plenty of Mynah birds within the confines of my own property but I don’t consider it hunting because I snipe them at damn near point blank range. No room for error or noise for my neighbors to here.

I like shooting long range and hope I can get back to that real soon. But I got to take a ride to shoot open range and I just haven’t had the time.


My wish for Christmas is peace on earth and death to crows. I lent both my Condor and TalonSS to my good friend so he could rid his property of ground squirrels. Sadly, the crows have returned and have surrounded my home as they must have watched the house and are again a plague. They must have seen their nemisis leave. Their enemy is the Condor and the TalonSS. Without my quiet friends I’m defenseless.

I could open the safe and wreak blast away with a powder burner but that’s not what the holiday season it about. The crows can live and gloat for another day. They MOCK me! The crows may caw and gloat, but they will pay with their lives!

I can’t wait to get my favorite toys back home and wreak some HAVOK! AKULA

Now thats one I’m looking forward to seeing! I think that would be an awesome little carbine. The AF version of a Verminator! Keep us posted on that one!

Actually I have one more project and that is a super short SS with 8 in. barrel instead of 12. The frame will be shortened as well. Shouldn’t be too hard for professionals like Tony to make it happen.

I am not sure about the caliber though, perhaps .177, but we’ll see. I think I’ll take about 5″ off from the standard SS frame. It’s OK if it’s loud, I can always add something to it later on.
Should be interesting.

Going off topic here a bit… but hey… it’s my thread.

A couple of you have mentioned Tony-tuned guns. I had a Talon tuned by Tony… the same one I have now, but I’ve since changed it’s configuration… not because of anything wrong with it, I just wanted to try something different. I can assure yall that when Tony gets done with your gun, it will be at it’s peak of perfection. If you’ve never shot a TUNED Talon, you’ll really be in for a treat.

For me it’s a .25 Condor Anthony is building. Don’t know anything about the progress though. Take your time, Tony, I want it to be PERFECT!!! 🙂

All I want is time to set up my Talon SS. Scope is in the box and rings are on the rail.

My Christmas Wish List has only one item on it; my tuned and reworked SS and tanks from Talontunes. Plan on taking some time off over the holidays to break it in while traveling through CA, NV & OR.


7,5 = power 😈

hey santa claus you have no time for the suger babes,dont let ya mind wonder off now,just stay glued to that lathe,working on the toys for the boys!!aaah looks like santa will be bringing 7.5 mm i/d valves then,MO POWER,,,yeehaa

Sugar babes please.

Talon SS, carbon fiber LDC, Nikko Stirling 10-50×60 scope W/nato reticle, Sure Fire weapons mount light, green beam 2000 laser sight, Harris bipod, Carbon Fiber air tank, 5000PSI compressor, 20 tins of pellets…..

“and this ash tray…all I need is this ash tray, and this stool…that’s all I need…”

Al have 3 or 4 valve bodys done today. ( 7.5mm ID )

[quote=”dnc”]9mm kit from blodnob. 450mW Ir Illuminator. 2×24 Yukon N
VMT lens.[/quote]hey dnc a christmas song comes to mind,when i read that,i think that the 8mm i/d valve is going to be a blast bud,just hope it comes for christmas,hohoho

I’m looking to get a Flash light setup for my Condor.

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