
Beaumont air guns

Does anyone here own a Beaumont air gun or has anyone had a chance to try one. I found a site, but it is in the Netherlands http://www.airguns.nl/en/shop-products/118/air-rifle?subcats%5B119%5D=1

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I can tell you from me where you can find a real way to learn more about thermal imaging cameras. I myself, for example, needed them for our unit.
Luckily I was able to find them here https://www.agmglobalvision.com/thermal-imaging and I’m very happy about that. I hope I can help you as well and it will be really helpful to find out as much as possible. I was able to order here and these thermal imaging cameras have already proven to be very effective.


158 gr at 900 fps is 284 fpe.

500fps should be 500 Foot-pound. Speed of bullet is 900 FPS

Hello, I own a Beamont air rifle in .308. It shoots 158 grain molded lead conical bullets. Very accurate. Power is around 500fps.

For range shooting best to hook a large tank with an external regulator. Although it is not internally regulated it produces 3 consistent shots between 230 and 180 BAR on the internal tank.

If properly moderated no hearing protection is needed.
Large game (mostly Wild Boar) can be taken with headshots.

Hand made, very expensive, but quality wise one of the best “big boor” air rifles.
Cheers, Hans

Early Beaumonts were based on Daystate parts, nowadays no so much anymore.

They are quite nice airguns, some perform really well especially the .32/.308 (most that do had some tinkering done to them).

There are some Dutch made alternatives:

The ‘Greate Pier’ in .45 / .58 made by http://www.kurversschietsport.nl/epages/78354659.mobile/nl_NL/?ObjectPath=/Shops/78354659/Categories/Luchtbuksen/Custom_Projecten/Greate_Pier

The Drummen Sinner. Made by Maurice Drummen.

Different price & buildquality.


YF= yellow forum I would hazard to guess.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is the YF

Alfred de Vries produces the Beaumont air rifles in the NL. I think they are based upon the Daystate MK3 platform?
I know there is a poster on the YF that has a couple of them, try searching there for reports and pictures.

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