
BB Pelletier reveals the voodoo behind a quiet Condor…

Yep, it’s that time of year again folks. The time where BB thinks that because he has just discovered something that it must be the latest and greatest thing and that no-one has done it before. This time he’s found out about the wonderful world of Shrouds and his excitement stretches to saying that with an AirHog Shroud the Condor is the quietest gun that he has ever heard, be it airgun or powderburner. Heck, he says that it’s not possible to go quieter than a shrouded Condor:


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He was probably just waiting to see if the rest of us who have been using them for years were going to jail. 😆

Since we are still here….viola…..The Shroud Condor discovery.

At least he finally had the stones to talk about them. But I am sure he will soon announce the discovery of this shroud also…

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