
barrel harmonics causing this??

Hello fellas! got this going on with my condor, standard barrel, shooting kodiaks:

with a full fill, and powerwheel on 4 my poi is a left high. Once i hit the sweetspot of the gun poi is dead on in the crosshairs, powerwheel 0.
If i shoot lets say 20 shots more my poi shifts to a right low. So instead of going from high to low, my poi goes from left high, to right low… Could this be barrel harmonics causing this due to a different pellet speed and a different volume of air behind the pellet?
Am thinking of swapping the standard delrin bushings out for some alloy ones so that i can adjust the barrel and see wether i can sort it out in such a wat that the drop is only vertical instead of from the left to the right… any thoughts on this??

cheers from holland 8)

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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thanks guys, those articles and personal experiences were very useful and interesting stuff to read. Will make some decemt alloy bushings first, to see wether that will solve the problem. if nog i;ll check the allignment of the scope. Got a tri rail mounted and read that some are actually of poor quality and nog cut properly… will keep u posted!

thanks guys, those articles and personal experiences were very useful and interesting stuff to read. Will make some decemt alloy bushings first, to see wether that will solve the problem. if nog i;ll check the allignment of the scope. Got a tri rail mounted and read that some are actually of poor quality and nog cut properly… will keep u posted!

I’m trying to wrap my head around your problem. Since gravity is pulling straight down on your pellet, no matter what angle you’re canting the rifle, even zero degrees, the pellet should string vertically. If you’re canting, you’ll shoot left or right of your POA, but assuming you’re canting the same each shot, you should be stringing vertically. Is your problem repeatable every time you fill your tank? To trouble shoot the problem, I’d double check that your scope is mounted correctly, with the vertical retical in perfect alignment with the bore. Using your favorite shooting position, be that off-hand, prone or on a bench with a bipod, you can see the cant when you aim at a known-plumb item, like the vertical edge of a window or a high-rise building or even a target that you’ve mounted using a level to ensure it’s plumb. Zero your rifle, and if done right, your pellets will always string along the vertical reticle. In fact, if there’s no wind, and your POA is exactly the same each time, the vertical reticle should cross every POI, be they above or below your POA. This does assume you’re shooting pellets that your rifle likes.

If that doesn’t fix your problem, I’d recommend double checking that your barrel’s bushing screws are snug. If they aren’t, tighten them til just snug and re-zero the scope.

If you’re still getting the same errors after you’ve set the rifle up right, I’m out of ideas. I know from experience that the problems I’ve encountered are 99% of the time my error. Improper breathing, jerking the trigger, canting the rifle, unstable shooting position, bad cheek weld, etc. Hopefully someone with more than 5 tins of lead downrange will have some better ideas than I have.

I had a similar issue and discovered my scope was not perfectly level to the gun. I would shoot holding the crosshairs level which was canting the gun and causing the “diagonal stringing”. (my problem was opposite yours, shifting high rt to low left).

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