
Bah, its too cold to shoot

I woke up this morning to a balmy -15° F, and my fuel system is frozen up on my Jeep. Got to stay home from work, got bored and went out and shot.

Its 1pm now and its still only 10°. I just came in from the worst shoot I ever had with my Condor. At 43 yards I can hold under 3/4″ no problem, out at 75 yards best group was 4 1/2″ with JSBs and barely under 4″ with Kodiaks. The impacts ranged from 8 to 12 inches low. This is all from a very steady bench.

Chrony shows velocity was all over the map. Kodiaks only shot at 560 to 620 fps max, and the JSBs at 690 max.

Hammer and breech plug seem to be free and easy moving. Pulled my rubber shim out and only gained 30 fps.

Seems the valve is struggling in this cold. Since I use the AF pump, maybe I have a bit of moisture in the tank.

What the hell am I gonna do now? Cant go anywhere and my TV doesnt get any porn.

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Oh, dont pump it up then take it back into the warm air ).

Is it due to pressure dropping in the tank? If so, couldnt you pump it back up with cold air?

quote Mr-lama:

What was that lemon party site? 😛


What you said.org 😛

As far as using the internet for porn, my wife got pretty pissed the first time LOL.

‘sides, the dialup connection doesnt make it fun.

I went out and shot my FWB124 right after I posted this. The poor thing grouped well at 43 yards, but the pellets didnt penetrate past the skirt… laff. You could hear and feel the power decrease as the gun cooled down.

Same thing with the Condor the second time out today. My first 10 shots went 7″ low at 75 yards, and into a 2″ vertical string about a half inch wide. Quickly thereafter it dropped down to 12″ low again. The cold really kills the Condor quick.

Last shot at 43 yards only penetrated the plywood about a half inch.

Its a real bummer, I hate the winter months.

Its got me thinking about setting up a shooting table in the living room, and shooting out my window.

What was that lemon party site? 😛


I’ve experienced anomalies with weather changes on guns as well. Dont know if it may have something to do with lubes/seals expanding or what…

In any case, I’ll stop pissing and moaning about my 30 degree weather here… haha… -15 is just ball busting cold.

As for no porn on TV… hey, wasnt that why the Internet was created? http://www.sublimedirectory.com not that I look at any of that filthy stuff 😳

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