Back in the game
Well, after much confusion, back and forth with the company I bought the scope from, they finally sent me one I can deal with, and after all this time, finally shoot my gun in earnest, and dial it all in. They sent me the wrong scope at first, AND was defective, with some crap inside the tube obstucting a perfect view. It had to go back. I settled with a 6-24 X 52, which seems to work well. (They’re still out of 4-16, which is what I originally wanted) Learning best power settings, when POI changes on a fill ect ect. So far so good. Anyways, thought I’d post a pic of it with the new scope. Hope I did the pic thing right this time, if not, maybe someone can come to the rescue… (like before lol)
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I have found a nice 4 x 12 Zeiss down town, but it doesn’t have an adjustable AO. But man is it clear and bright!
I’m sure your scope has superior optics compared to mine.. although mine are quite acceptable to me. Just wondering if you get good focus at any magnification without AO though. My buddy has a Simmons 3-9 X 32 I think, and what a clear image that scope has, it had no AO either, but still seemed very clear no matter what the mag was.