
Auto safety

Ok I have a new Condor and I want to turn the Auto safety to a manual one. If I remove the spring that pushes the safety sear in position, would that turn my safety to manual?


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Thanks, I removed it, saves me some trouble.

I bought my Shadow used, and the previous owner had only removed the safety rod and one spring.
The safety actually engaged if the gun was kept at too much of a downward/upward angle (don’t remember).
I used it like that for a while, but eventually took everything out because the damn thing was so annoying.

Best advice : leave it all in or throw it all out, or it will only end up bugging the crap out of you 😀

Most of us who have opted for a no safety gun remove the whole mechanism. Pull the safety bar, springs, safety rod and replace just the pins. Sometimes the sear spring needs to be moved forward over the blade of the sear, for the pressure to be enough to keep the hammer locked.

Now your safety is simple if you cock the gun and don’t take your shot. Move brech forward to meet the hammer and pull the trigger and control the hammer/brech back into a resting state. Better this then the many mis fires i had with mine. Although some guys have no problems with theirs, alot of guys do. Never rely on the safety of the AF rig, ever. Never push it forward if anyone is near to you or a safe back stop isn’t in front of you. Worst part on the gun IMHO.

You would need apposing forces or some kind of detent to keep it set in position.

Removing the spring will just cause it to flop around.

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