As it stands, if I buy AF; it will be the Talon SS in CO2…
… I have about $500 to spend. The Ruger I was selling, now – once again, is not being sold. Ha! The potential buyer changed their mind. He was really looking for a carry type handgun. My Ruger is the 6 7/8″ MKIII slab side Government Target Model. Fickle! Oh well…
So; I keep the Ruger, and now have a couple of good PCP options open: The Talon SS (beginning on CO2), and the Benjamin Discovery. If I go with the Talon SS, I can always upgrade it to HPA later. For my $$$, I can at least get in the AF door. 🙂 And, that will leave me some cash to put toward a scope. With the Discovery, I am also set.
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GKH, ribbonstone is right in regards to Co2 power vs tempurature, I’ve been doing Co2 for over a year with my Crosman 2250, the colder it gets, the worst Co2 performs… in fact, on a really cold day, it can pretty much suck. C02 does it’s stuff on a hot summer day, the hotter, the better. Anything below 60 degrees and you’ll notice it. You’ll get more shots however, so there’s a trade off I guess.
Have to represent the other side as well.
Co2 isn’t real good in cold climates…pressure drops with temperature. the valve kind-of self adjusts to a limited extent, but lower than 50-55degrees and you’ll notice the difference. Still accurate and consistant, but (1) notcable slower and (2) using more gas.
(Not a big problem here, which is why i like co2…got to about 70degrees today…will be in the 50’s and 60’s all this week.)
The 12″ barrel isn’t long enough to use the amount of gas put out. Will get nearly the same speed when adjusted to “1” as you will when adjusted to “13”. Will use more gas, can hear it and even see the vapor, but little of it goes to driving the pellet. 24″ would be better, but then you lose the quiet nature of the SS.
(pasr of that is the use of a Condor type valve in the co2 adaptor….which might be useful for a 24″ barrel, but for the 12″ I’m guessing the regular Talon sized valve stem would be better. Have a spare valve, and intend to find out soon.
Yes, this would be correct.
😀 Knowing this, and the fact that a local PB store has all the tank sizes, cover, and butt plate, is really making a good argument for a Talon SS.

GKH Quote: So, I guess these bottles just screw directly to the AF CO2 adapter?
Yes, this would be correct.
Used a RAP4 on/off with gauge between the tank and the adaptor, but that’s becasue I’ve got long arms and need the extra length of pull. For normal people, screwing the tank directly into the adaptor is best.
Also found a 4 micron screen to put between the tank and the adaptor. Bulk-fill Co2 is often less than perfectly clean, and keeping filth out of the valve is a good idea. those little screens are getting harder and hader to find, but at least one paintball e-store still have them (but at nearly $7 is way over priced).
(BTW…when you get your gulk tank filled, might be worth it to find a beverage company to fill it…no promise, but USUALLY their co2 is cleaner as it just won’t do do find dirt floating in your beer.)
Scope is in medium 30mm in Weaver type mounts, attached to a set of Weaver to 3/8 groove adaptors, so it comes out as “high”. Scope is a cheap (about $60-$70) 10X42MM with a 30MM tube but it’s been working just fine on several airguns before this one. Some is from CDNN sports (another on-line store).
Truthfully,,,if ti weren’t for the co2 option, I’d proably not have bought the Talon. I don’t need more power, but I do need accuracy and quiet, which the co2 version has.
So all up, rifle ordered with a 10% Pyramyd code (which means you pay shipping), plus the scope and rings, plus the butt plate, plus cover, plus RP4 on/off (which if you don’t have ape-arms you won’t need) all new, it costs right at $500.
Have to haunt the used ads if you aren’t in a hurry and want a deal…yellow forum just sold a talon CO2 for $325…which might have been the best deal I’ve seen in a long time, but before i could figure out were the $325 was going to come from, another buyer jumped on it.
Good information! Lots of detail! My arms are 34.5/35. But, I did okay with my Crosman 2250. Of course, it is a compact rifle, too.
I just got off the phone with EZ Paintball. They sell 9, 12, and 20oz CO2 bottles. And, it’s only $4.00 to refill. They also sell the tank covers, and butt plate ($5.00).
So, I guess these bottles just screw directly to the AF CO2 adapter?
the 9 oz. tank is pretty common…on-line, will cost between $10 and $12 (empty). Found the cocver and butt plate at a local paintball shop, but they are avialbalbe at some paintball stores on-line (less and less co2, paintballers are going to HPA, ao you might have to hunt through seveal on-line stores). Same deal with the butt plate; I just cut off the top “fin” and left the bottom one.
Used a RAP4 on/off with gauge between the tank and the adaptor, but that’s becasue I’ve got long arms and need the extra length of pull. For normal people, screwing the tank directly into the adaptor is best.
Also found a 4 micron screen to put between the tank and the adaptor. Bulk-fill Co2 is often less than perfectly clean, and keeping filth out of the valve is a good idea. those little screens are getting harder and hader to find, but at least one paintball e-store still have them (but at nearly $7 is way over priced).
(BTW…when you get your gulk tank filled, might be worth it to find a beverage company to fill it…no promise, but USUALLY their co2 is cleaner as it just won’t do do find dirt floating in your beer.)
Scope is in medium 30mm in Weaver type mounts, attached to a set of Weaver to 3/8 groove adaptors, so it comes out as “high”. Scope is a cheap (about $60-$70) 10X42MM with a 30MM tube but it’s been working just fine on several airguns before this one. Some is from CDNN sports (another on-line store).
Truthfully,,,if ti weren’t for the co2 option, I’d proably not have bought the Talon. I don’t need more power, but I do need accuracy and quiet, which the co2 version has.
So all up, rifle ordered with a 10% Pyramyd code (which means you pay shipping), plus the scope and rings, plus the butt plate, plus cover, plus RP4 on/off (which if you don’t have ape-arms you won’t need) all new, it costs right at $500.
Have to haunt the used ads if you aren’t in a hurry and want a deal…yellow forum just sold a talon CO2 for $325…which might have been the best deal I’ve seen in a long time, but before i could figure out were the $325 was going to come from, another buyer jumped on it.
Personally, I’m using a smaller 90z. bottle, but my sessions aren’t that long and i’m set up with a bulk tank for recharging.
10 – 12 foot pounds, quiet, and very accurate are where the talon SS co2 fits in for me, When I use air, use a micro-valve tank and still keep it at that level (and about the same level of noise). Mine is in 5mm, and that speed isn’t really not far off a fully pumped Sheridan, so I’m good for my persoanl varmints out to 45-50yards (the talon SS is just a hell of a lot quieter than the Sheridan…and more accurate).¤t=SUNP0006-4.jpg
Nice! So, that is a 9oz. bottle in your photo? Or, is that the HPA tank? How many shots are you getting with your 9oz. CO2 tank? And; what about the cover, and butt plate? Did you get those online, as well?
I have a large CO2 tank that I used to keg beer with. I will get that bulk filled at one of the local paint ball shops.
Personally, I’m using a smaller 90z. bottle, but my sessions aren’t that long and i’m set up with a bulk tank for recharging.
10 – 12 foot pounds, quiet, and very accurate are where the talon SS co2 fits in for me, When I use air, use a micro-valve tank and still keep it at that level (and about the same level of noise). Mine is in 5mm, and that speed isn’t really not far off a fully pumped Sheridan, so I’m good for my persoanl varmints out to 45-50yards (the talon SS is just a hell of a lot quieter than the Sheridan…and more accurate).¤t=SUNP0006-4.jpg
I do find the 12oz. a closer fit to the size of the air bottle….can get a tank cover on-line if you don’t care to press your face up to a cold co2 tank; may as well get a slip on plastic butt plate while you’re at it.
Personally, I’m using a smaller 90z. bottle, but my shooting sessions aren’t that long and i’m set up with a bulk tank for recharging.
10 – 12 foot pounds, quiet, and very accurate are where the talon SS co2 fits in for me, When I use air, use a micro-valve tank and still keep it at that level (and about the same level of noise). Mine is in 5mm, and that speed isn’t really not far off a fully pumped Sheridan, so I’m good for my persoanl varmints out to 45-50yards (the talon SS is just a hell of a lot quieter than the Sheridan…and more accurate).
To tell you the truth, for an airgun to be of real value to me it has to be 1: Quiet and 2: Accurate those are the most important. Then comes power and ease of carry.
Decide what you really want and what is the most important. I never was even tempted with the Condor because power is less attractive to me then stealth. If it is not quiet I do not shoot it often and I already have guns I do not shoot due to the noise.
I think you nailed it. Considering that I will be doing 95%+ (if not all) of my shooting on my property – out to 50-65yds. , the Talon SS really does make better sense. Isn’t the 12oz. CO2 bottle the best fit to be close to the dimensions of the HPA setup?

The Condor is long and the barrel will get the most out of CO2 that is for sure.
To tell you the truth, for an airgun to be of real value to me it has to be 1: Quiet and 2: Accurate those are the most important. Then comes power and ease of carry.
Decide what you really want and what is the most important. I never was even tempted with the Condor because power is less attractive to me then stealth. If it is not quiet I do not shoot it often and I already have guns I do not shoot due to the noise.
I see the discovery being for the occasional PCP shooter and as a secondary gun for other PCP nuts. I am sure many will buy it for their main PCP and then quickly move on to a higher quality PCP once they get hooked.
If you want a good scope at a killer deal look here. I have this scope and it is good enough.
COPY and PASTE the entire link to see the scope{E1CEEF5F-168D-404D-920E-7FEVERESTBA4B0D8AD7}&ic=AC%2DSCP%2D395AOMDL&eq=&Tp=
You do offer a good argument, for sure. The Talon SS really does have my attention. I’ll tell you that! 😀 And, I know for another $100, I could be into the Condor CO2. But; I really don’t want the gun to be ‘real loud’. And, I’m not really sure how loud the CO2 Condor is.
The reason the Condor comes to mind here is; I know it still has fairly good velocity in CO2 in .22. And, the Talon SS at 610fps (.22) should be grinworthy as well, for my bottle, paintball, and paper shooting. I just have to see all the options. 🙂
And, thanks for the scope link, as well. That’s quite a nice price!

The discovery looks like a good starter package. But if you are serious about airguns you will quickly want to upgrade to a better gun and more accuracy. The Talon will have a Lothar Walter barrel and you can upgrade to HPA piece by piece. Plus you have an entire support system with us here at the TAG.
I see the discovery being for the occasional PCP shooter and as a secondary gun for other PCP nuts. I am sure many will buy it for their main PCP and then quickly move on to a higher quality PCP once they get hooked.
If you want a good scope at a killer deal look here. I have this scope and it is good enough.
COPY and PASTE the entire link to see the scope}&ic=AC%2DSCP%2D395AOMDL&eq=&Tp=
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I live in the Midsouth (45 miles east of Memphis, TN). It does get fairly cold. And, we are in the middle of winter right now. This morning it is 21 degrees. In the evenings, of course, right now, when getting home from the office it’s dark outside. So; this time of year, my shooting is restricted to the weekends. And, if it’s under 50 degrees, I don’t usually go outside to shoot.
So, for me, CO2 works fine. Now, with that said, a couple of weeks ago I was out on Sat. afternoon, and it was in the very high 40s. You could tell the power was down on my RWS 850 AirMAgnum. 🙂