
Anyone seen…

the Mythbusters episode where they test the myth of a person being shot and killed with a bullet made of ice? They were using what looked like a .223, but the heat from the gunpowder was melting the ice bullet before it even came out of the barrel, and so the myth was busted. However, they never tested an air rifle to see if that would work. If you made an ice bullet, say for the condor, would the condor be able to shoot one, and would the ice melt from the friction of the barrel?

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A larger bullet .45acp. for example, at 500 fps. it only takes 1/250 of a second to get out of a 24″ barrel not long enough to melt is it? probably not too accurate. Put a type of wad under to bullet for insulation, and it also will act as a gasket. We have done this for years to get speed out of lead bullets, or to get higher speeds from soft alloy. Also remember a .223 is a whole lot more violent than an airgun or .45acp. so their ice bullet test failed so as not to give anyone a stealthy idea of a sinister nature??

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