
Anyone here converted a RWS 850 to hpa yet?

Well, I just bought one of these suckers and am not even going to mess with the CO2. I will probably shoot the two free C02 canisters up though. 😆

I’ve seen a couple people have converted theirs to HPA but, never really post details.

Anyone here done it yet and if so what is involved? I’m going to be getting a 22ci tank with regulator from matteusz.


BTW, I cancelled the Discovery order a while back. I am really undecided on my next gun so got the 850 to mess with while I think about it. 😆

**edit, maybe I shoulda put this in “Other guns” 😳 **


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here is rich’s web site, i just e-mailed him and told him what i wanted, he mailed me back a price.


This guy posted some more info about his conversion. 🙂


How do I get in touch with this Rich character? I have heard his name a few times on different boards now. 🙂

I have an 850 on the way should be here wed, ordered a 13ci 3000psi bottle, and have the adapter for hpa here already, oh and a rich shroud 🙂 I hope to have some results this weekend 🙂

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