
Anyone else noticed?

Usually there’s always a post by this guy, day in and day out. What’s happened to Bodhisdad? It’s unlike him to be away this long. Hope he’s okay. Anyone live out his way?

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BD, The Sharpmaker works very well! Benchmade-some of the best made, highest quality factory knives on the planet!!!

You do your research well my friend!


Thanks friends for the well wishes. Just goes to show that some of our best friends can be many miles away, never meet face to face, and still know that they are good friends. Namaste
Mike, what do you think of Benchmades Rukus?? This is my all time favorite production knife for edc. Also what do you think of the Spyderco Sharpmaker for a home sharpening system. I’m sure you have access to much finer sharpening instruments, but for the avgerage guy, it has to be the best, most affordable sharpening system available. I know it puts a very sharp edge on my blades, finer then a lanskys. Which limits the length of steel a guy can effectively sharpen, probably 3″ maybe 3.5″ While the Sharpmaker is near unlimited, its easy to put a edge on a 12″ blade. Just wondering as your in the industry and would be the one to know.

Hey Bodi: Mike here. I really hate to hear all this. Our prayers and best wishes go out for you and your family. Mike and Manuela

Bodi…..don’t get well soon…it takes to long. Get well NOW!! We’ll have a good thought for you and your family here on the Forum.

Your Friend,

Dirty Harry

Sorry to hear such news Bodhisdad, hopefully things will get better soon.
We’ll be thinkin about you..



Hang tough man. Hope everything smooths out soon.


You have my deepest sympathies for you and your family’s tragedy. I hope things get better for you soon. May god be with you.


Shaky you have a PM, thanks for the concern.

DH and the rest, i appreciate the thoughts. My family has been through a very rough time as of recent. Within my immediate family we’ve had tragedy and its all i can do to keep my head up. I’d fill you in but don’t care to put in all in words and revisit it anymore then i already do, daily. I try to check in daily, but have little to add. I do feel like things are going to look up, but it will probably be a while before me and mine can put all this behind us.
Then there is my health concerns in which i’ve had quite a bit of pain in the lower right abnominal region. I’ve had numerous tests done but the Docs can find no reason as of yet for this pain. It be nice just to know what it is which is causing this. Until i find out, i doubt i will rest easy. Best guess yet is its related to the Gall Bladder, but nothing certain. I can only hope its nothing to serious, as if removal of the Gall Bladder isn’t serious enough. I suppose it could be worse and every test they do eliminates the more alarming conditions. I hope all is well with the majority of you, i’ll continue to post as i can. Take care, BD

Edited due to improper content

I was just thinking the same thing……. I was wondering where Bodi was. Any one know if he’s OK?


I know he bought a couple of guns and maybe he is having to much fun. He was suppose to be selling one of them on the YF and post picts but he never did.

As for the site…..the server is having problems. We are seeing what can be done.

No answer to that user, but it my be like me.

The site is so slow that I have not been coming here much.

I know it’s no ones fault, but it just takes so long just to log in, let alone read something.

Just wish we had more band width.

I’d donate to the fund to get our own site.

I am up past my bed time hoping the site would be faster late at hight, it is not for me.

I have thing to share but just do not have the time.

Hope thing get better.

Been wandering the same thing!

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