
Any airgunstore close to Boston MA?

hi, I’m in Boston MA,Could any send me information about where to buy airguns and pellets near here (not online).

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thaks a Lot!!!
I’m in Bostom but I’m not from here,just study here.f
or those who asked:I’m have a Talon SS + 24 barrel,and some CO2 rifles,(sorry),but like some of you,I’m all time looking for something new..

Theres a BassPro in Foxboro (next to Gillette). They have RWS springers, plus some Daisy and Gamo.

Sports Authority usually sell some Gamo and Winchester plus Daisy/Crosman.

Dicks Sporting good sell some Daisy/Crosman and Gamo.

Problem with the above is their limited selection and no springers, Seem to be aiming at the CO2 Pistol and Airsoft crowd. They dont even sell the full line of what limited brands they do have, non of the guns I MIGHT be interested in if I could take a look like the Daisy 953 or the Gamo CFX.

Kittery has Air Force PCP’s plus some springers and Daisy/Crosman stuff (slightly more of the Daisy/Crosman line, but not by much) and is well worth the drive. They also usually have a decent selection of used Airguns and something nice comes up now and then.

A local gunstore will usually have some Daisy/Crosman and maybe even some AF PCP’s I’d go check there first if I just wanted some pellets.

Pablo; What I know about your state and things that go BANG is disturbing. I live on the left coast and while it’s not as bad here as where you live regarding weapons that go BANG it is getting worse.

You may live in the worst state in the Union as far as things that use projectiles. Your state has laws against anything that can ‘put an eye out’. Guard your pens and pencils and your ability to vote next.

The best story I have about your F’d up state came from my uncle. He took command of Westover AFB before the first Gulf War. When the war broke out he was issued a side arm for personal protection. He was also issued a “carry permit’ for use while not in uniform.

He went to the only gun store he could find in your fine state and asked to buy bullets. He showed his military ID and his carry permit and was told this. “Sorry General, your permit is only a carry permit, this does not allow you to buy bullets in the state of Massechuttes.”

The General’s reply you might ask? “Son, you’re damn lucky I don’t have any bullets or I’d use one on you.”

He left the store, drove out of your state, and bought what he wanted. I suggest you do the same. AKULA

and i forgot to welcome you !

yay another MA shooter….

where do you go to shoot, what do you shoot with, do you have hunting license….how old are you…how long have you been arigunning….

im 32, been shooting airguns since november 1992, and im a total airgun nut !

go for a drive to kittery trading post, in maine…im in woburn and its about 45 minute drive from here

they have a large selections of rifles used and new
they have a different RWS pellets and some beeman

the .177 selection is ok
the .22 selection is not as big but the most important pellet the kodiac is there
the .25 selection is horrible, i found some silverarrow and crowmagnums but thats about it…give them a call and they will get what you want for ya

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