Anthony266 shroud ** UPDATE 2-26-08 **
I just snagged a 6″ Tony’s shroud extension off the Yellow. Can’t wait for it to get here, but can already see another expenditure coming down the road which will be an 18″ barrel next ….. 🙄
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j3magnum, somehow, I guess I missed your post here. Glad to hear she is alive and well. Sounds like a hard hitting shooter. Since it’s been so long between your post and my reply, how did the porker hunt go with it?
If you have a SS and live in a apartment complex having a Tony Shroud is a must!!! When I poke that barrel out the window you barely hear anything. Thanks tony!! shroud is somewhere in the pic 😀

That sounds, or (Doesn’t sound), Fantastic there Trig!!!

Hey Triggerman,,you oughta see your old talon now…Finally got-er-done..She’s spittin .25 cal 30 grainers out at 60 ftlbs..It’s going piggy huntin with me next week..I’ll try post some pics in the next couple of days…

Can’t wait to oder one can anyone tell me what Anthony charges for a 6″ baffle? 😀

Got that 6″ bad boy in the mail today. First thing I noticed about it when I unboxed it was the quality (and I mean QUALITY) work that Anthony266 puts into these things.
Took my endcap off and discovered the extension that inserts inside the frame goes in about another 1/4″ than what the endcap fits inside the frame. I decided to leave the baffling I had installed in my frame shroud and had to modify the end pieces that 1/4″ to get the extension to seat properly.
Went outside and fired off a round and no shit, I thought I had a malfunction. Did not think anything came out the barrel. removed the bottle and looked down the pipe and all was clear. Reloaded and fired another and this thing is just that quiet, that it sounds like it is not shooting right. Still knocks the crap out of what it hits though, so I know it is fierce and mean still, just quiet.
Great thing you do with these things Tony ! ! !
Here’s a pic of JohnB shooting my Anthony Tuned SS with 24″ barrel. I has an AH shroud however. I bought the shroud from Vlady on this board. The gun puts out 38 fpe on PW setting 5. The first time I shot it I thought something was wrong…it barely made a sound. Then I shot it across my chrony and confirmed the 38 fpe with 21.1 kodiaks. Unreal! Notice the shroud/moderator is camo taped. That way nobody can see it…..lol. Oh, and it has the WokButt attached…Nice!

Thanks Nug! The S would probably tell me a lot. Besides, I would love to check out a .25!

Next time you come down to Austin, look me up and you can try mine. I have a full shroud from him on my .25 Condor and a 6 incher on my TalonSS.

I would like to hear one of Tonys shrouds just to hear how it compairs to what I’ve made up for mine.

I left my baffles in when I first got my shroud from Tony before I put my 18″ barrel in and it helped with the noise.

I say leave your baffles in and try it. It can only help. You only need about the last inch to inch and a half of frame to insert the shroud.

I was wandering how you were liking the one you bought. I was watching yours and had about decided to bite on it when you bought it.
Let me ask you this ~ I have a 12″ .22 barrel right now with some baffling which I designed inside the frame. Will I need to take my stuff out when this one gets here and simply use what is in the Tony’s shroud or will it work even more efficiently by leaving my stuff inside the frame?

I got one off the Yellow forum a month or so ago. Put it on my talonSS….damn quiet. Now all in need is a hammer slap mod and it will be almost completely silent. Mu wa ha ha ha ha ha!!!
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Are the shrouds made to a specific (customer specd.) length? Or are they made to be 6″ or what amount longer than the barrel? I have a .22 cal. Condor with the 24″ barrel. I’m guessing the shroud goes 6″ past the end of the barrel and slips inside the frame to rest against my front bushing? Am I on track here?